Green Guide Profile: DLA Piper LLP (US)

With a global Sustainability and ESG advisory team which seeks to provide a holistic service that helps clients and communities transition to a greener future, DLA Piper LLP (US) offers an acute specialism across climate change and renewable energy. 

The firm provides pro bono assistance to Georgia’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, providing counsel to help understand legal and treaty texts and representing the country in the UN’s international climate change negotiations, including the recent COP summits. Through the firm’s representation, Georgia was admitted to the Environmental Integrity Group negotiating bloc, securing its stronger access to UNFCCC processes and helping promote multilateral climate action. 

In the renewable energy sector, the firm represented Citizens Financial Group in negotiations with Danish power company Ørsted, in a transaction whereby the client will support the construction of the 200 MW Sunflower Wind Project and receive a 25.8 MW share of the output. Through the PPA, the client will resell all renewable electricity generated to the local grid while utilising the associated renewable energy credits to achieve its 100% renewable power target. 

Demonstrating further experience with renewable energy transactions, the firm advised Scottish client Renewco Power on its US expansion through the acquisition of a 1.5 GW pipeline of early-stage utility-scale solar projects and 500 MW of battery storage projects from developer Beaufort Rosemary. Following the transaction, the two companies in partnership will bring 3 GW of solar and storage projects to the ready-to-build stage within the US Southeast and Midwest, supporting the expansion of renewable electricity to help meet the areas’ ambitious clean energy targets. 

Following a Global Environmental Policy to reduce its business footprint and publishing the results through its Global Carbon Footprint Baseline Report, the firm seeks to positively influence the local environment, having committed through the Science Based Targets initiative to become net-zero by 2040.