Interview with: Ricardo Escobar, Managing Partner

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DLA Piper Perú

1) What do you see as the main points that differentiate DLA Piper Perú from your competitors?

Locally, the strength of our young core team of partners and associates, that relentlessly pursue quality and valuable advice. We understand that we need to create value for the clients.

Strategic presence regionally and internationally.  We are an integrated working law firm that has a unique offer for clients.


2) Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that?

M&A. Interesting trend of divesting by some investors, but also some new investors looking for opportunities in Peru.

Dispute resolution. There is an increase in arbitration procedures, especially related to concessions and public works, and commercial litigation due to the deterioration of the economic situation of the country.

Infrastructure. The country needs a push and new infrastructure projects, via PPP or government-to-government economic cooperation, and this may well be done in 2024.


3) What’s the main change you’ve made in the firm that will benefit clients?

Foster a culture of quality services and business understanding.


4) Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them?

Indeed. We are just beginning to discover the many uses of technology in our profession. We believe it will improve significantly the services we provide.


5) Can you give us a practical example of how you have helped a client to add value to their business?

By understanding our clients’ businesses, we constantly analyze legislation trends and possible legislation changes so that we raise awareness in our clients to prepare for these changes and thus reduce any consequential cost.


6) Are clients looking for stability and strategic direction from their law firms – where do you see the firm in three years’ time?

The Peruvian legal market is still dominated by full services and well-established law firms, and clients still recognize the value of having legal partners who understand their companies and their businesses.

We see ourselves consolidating the presence of a global firm with footprints in the most important regional countries, that still understands the needs of its local and international clients and offers them great value.