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Adam Smith

Hempsons, London

Work Department

Regulatory, Crime, Professional Discipline


Member: Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers (ARDL)

Member: Pharmacy Law & Ethics Association

Member: Health & Safety Lawyers Association (HSLA)


Adam joined Hempsons in January 2020 as part of our merger with Eastwoods, having originally trained at Hempsons. Adam was one of the three founding solicitors at Eastwoods and became a partner in 2008. 

Adam’s defence practice covers regulatory and disciplinary (GMC/MPTS, GDC, HCPC and others), crime (particularly sexual assault and gross negligence manslaughter) and inquests, as well as representation of police officers in criminal (IOPC) and gross misconduct proceedings. Adam sits part time as an Assistant Coroner in both Milton Keynes and Inner North London.


1985-1992: King Edward VII School, Sheffield

1992-1995: LLB (Hons), University of Hull

1995-1996: College of Law, York
