Haseltine Lake Kempner LLP

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Alex Rogers

Work Department

Chemistry and Life Sciences team


Over 20 years of experience in the patent profession. Begun training at Boult Wade Tennant in 2001; moved to Haseltine Lake Kempner shortly after qualification in 2007; made partner in Haseltine Lake Kempner in 2012. Was on our firm’s Management Committee from 2017 to 2020, and chaired the MC for the last year of his term, notably steering the firm successfully through the unfolding pandemic. Most senior partner in the Chemical & Life Sciences team. Leads a number of key client relationships for the firm, such as Mars, Incorporated; HP Inc.’s chemical and opposition work; The Royal Mint; and Oxford University. Relied upon by many of our clients for his expertise in contentious EPO opposition and appeal work; and in his skill in drafting patents in cross-disciplinary areas, such as electrochemistry and materials science.


CIPA (the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys)

EPI (the Institute of Representatives before the European Patent Office)


Partner, Patent Attorney.

Specialisms: advising on patents in the chemical and materials fields; oppositions and appeals before the European Patent Office; advising on worldwide patent strategies, including on freedom-to-operate matters.


First class honours MChem degree from Oxford University (obtained 2000)

European Patent Attorney (professional qualification obtained in 2006)

Chartered UK Patent Attorney (professional qualification obtained in 2007)
