Eversheds Sutherland Poland

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Dariusz Aziewicz

Work Department

Commercial / Competition


Dr Dariusz Aziewicz, LL.M. is an attorney-at-law in the Commercial team at Eversheds Sutherland Poland.

He specializes in competition law. He supports clients in evaluating anticompetitive arrangements and distribution systems, and abuses of a dominant position. He represents businesses before the competition authority in obtaining approvals for concentrations.

Dariusz has developed and implemented antitrust compliance programs. He has worked on antitrust proceedings concerning anticompetitive arrangements before the president of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection, and the Supreme Court of Poland. He has also worked on proceedings involving review of concentrations of undertakings before the president of UOKiK and the European Commission. Among other matters, he has advised on competition law for transactions recognized by Rzeczpospolita (in its 2019 ranking) in the category of transactions requiring special legal skill.

Before joining Eversheds Sutherland Poland, he worked in the competition practices of leading Polish and international law firms.

Dariusz is the author of the only scholarly monograph in Poland entirely devoted to assessment of the effects of concentrations of undertakings, nominated for the research prize of the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies in 2018. He is also co-author of Commentary on the Competition and Consumer Protection Act (C.H. Beck 2014) and an academic textbook on competition law (Wolters Kluwer 2018). He is the author of numerous scholarly articles on antitrust law, involving for example distribution agreements, including setting of resale prices of goods. He has appeared as a speaker numerous times at business conferences.


The Polish Competition Law Association.


Senior Associate


He earned his doctorate with distinction at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. He completed LL.M. studies in comparative law at the University of Florida Levin College of Law and the American Law Center at the University of Warsaw.