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Stefanie Minzenmay

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Real Estate Law


Stefanie is a partner of Oppenhoff & Partner. She began her legal career at the law firm of Minzenmay, Könitz & Oehmen, Dinslaken, in 1998. She was an associate and managing associate at Oppenhoff & Rädler / Linklaters LLP from 2000 to 2009.


Stefanie Minzenmay is a member of the registered association Women in Real Estate (Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V.) and “IFKUR e.V.”.


Stefanie is a partner of Oppenhoff & Partner. Stefanie Minzenmay is a specialist in real estate portfolio transactions. She advises German and international corporations and financial investors on the purchase, sale and development of properties, portfolios, leisure facilities and industrial plants and parks. In addition, she advises on leases and on public-law related real estate matters.


She studied law at the University of Münster (Dr. iur.). She also completed a special administrative law course (Fachanwaltslehrgang Verwaltungsrecht).
