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Axel Bödefeld

Oppenhoff, Germany

Work Department

Tax Law


Axel is a founding partner of Oppenhoff. He was a partner at Oppenhoff & Rädler / Linklaters LLP from 1991 to 2007.


He is a member inter alia of: International Bar Association, International Fiscal Association, Tax Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce, Deutsche steuerliche Vereinigung [German Tax Association], Kölner Anwaltsverein[Cologne Bar Association], Kölner Juristische Gesellschaft [Cologne Law Society] and Tax & Legal Excellence.


Axel is a founding partner of Oppenhoff. Axel Bödefeld specialises in tax advice to international groups, and advises on transactions and restructurings. A further focus is transfer prices. His clients, the majority of which have been with him for many years, rely on his advice in audits and – where necessary – in mutual agreement proceedings and arbitration proceedings, as well as in judicial and extrajudicial legal remedies throughout the instances. 


He studied law at the Universities of Mannheim and Bochum (Dr. iur.). He furthermore studied at the Institute of Finance, Nordkirchen, and has a Diploma in Finance.
