
Gustavo Enrique Müller

O'Farrell, Argentina

Work Department

International Trade & Customs


President of the Argentine Institute of Customs Studies (Instituto Argentino de Estudios Aduaneros, IAEA).

Director of the Customs Law Institute of the City of Buenos Aires Bar Association.


Member of the Argentine Institute of Customs Studies Member of the City of Buenos Aires Bar Association


Gustavo E. Müller is the lawyer in charge of the International Trade and Customs Law Department. His activity is focused on international trade and customs law, antidumping and regulation of international trade.

Mr. Müller advises, represents and sponsors leading automotive, energy, food, chemical and supermarket companies, among others, as regards the import and export of goods and services, foreign exchange, promotional regimes, Duty Free Areas, Special Customs area and dumping issues, etc.
