
Work Department

Stephen is a Partner and Parliamentary Agent in the UK Planning Team. As a "Roll A" Parliamentary Agent he is qualified to promote and oppose Private Bills in the Westminster Parliament.

Stephen was formerly a partner with Rees & Freres. Stephen joined Rees & Freres in 2000 from the Legal Department of London Regional Transport where he was Parliamentary Solicitor.

Stephen joined LRT in 1989 and was engaged in the promotion of numerous private Bills and TWA Orders authorising infrastructure projects. He now acts for Network Rail, TfL including DLRL and LUL, local authorities and objectors on a wide range of issues including TWA Orders and other statutory orders; compulsory purchase, land compensation; highway law including highway schemes, listed building and related town and country planning issues; open space, green belt and other issues affecting the promotion and implementation of public transport infrastructure projects.

Specific projects that Stephen is currently working on include acting for Crossrail Limited in connection with the implementation of the Crossrail project. Stephen is also acting for both onshore and offshore wind farm developers in connection with the consenting of wind farms and associated infrastructure. Stephen is also advising in connection with a number of other railway infrastructure projects on behalf of major transport undertakers.

Stephen is  advising HS2 Limited, the company established by the Department of Transport to develop plans for high speed railway links between London, the West Midlands and beyond. Stephen is also currently engaged in the promotion of private legislation in the Westminster Parliament.

Stephen is a recommended individual in the most recent Chambers UK Legal Directory in the field of Parliamentary Agency 



