Gaia Silva Gaede Advogados

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Flávio Augusto Dumont Prado


Flávio Prado works in our Tax, Civil, Commercial and Cooperative Law areas in our Curitiba office. His dynamic practice includes tax advising and litigation at the administrative and judicial levels, as well as civil litigation. His clients include companies in the automotive, food processing, commercial, energy, transportation, cooperative, service and manufacturing industries, particularly in the south of Brazil.

Mr. Prado teaches tax law and tax law for cooperatives in Curitiba. He also serves as director of the Study Center of the Society of Lawyers and is a member of the Committee of the Societies of Lawyers of the Brazilian Bar Association in the state of Paraná. He has published numerous articles and legal opinions in specialized magazines and books and is the author of the book “Taxation of Cooperatives in Light of Cooperative Law” [“Tributação das Cooperativas à Luz do Direito Cooperativo”].


Partner of Gaia Silva Gaede Advogados in Curitiba.


He earned a master degree in Cooperative Law from Federal University of Paraná – UFPR, a post-graduation degree in Tax and Procedural Tax Law from Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR), and a bachelor’s degree in law from Milton Campos Law School.
