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Chris Howse

Howse Williams, Hong Kong

Work Department

Dispute Resolution


2012 Howse Williams 2011 Reed Smith Richards Butler 2008 Richards Butler in Association with Reed Smith LLP 1983 Richards Butler, Hong Kong 1975 Richards Butler, London.


Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Hong Kong) Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators Ltd Supporting Member, London Maritime Arbitrators Association Member, Hong Kong Arbitrations Law Review Committee (1996-2000) Panel Member, Arbitrators of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Panel Member, Arbitrators of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission Panel Member, Arbitrators of the Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group Panel Member, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board Chairman, Hong Kong Law Society Professional Indemnity Claims Committee (2004-2007) Member, Hong Kong Law Society Professional Indemnity Advisory Committee (1999-2006) Member, Hong Kong Law Society Working Party on Professional Indemnity Insurance Scheme (1996-2004) Deputy Chairman, Hong Kong Law Society Professional Indemnity Claims Committee (1999-2004) Chairman, Hong Kong Professional Indemnity Review Committee (2002) Member, Hong Kong Law Society Professional Indemnity Insurance Claims Committee (1997-1999).


Chris is the senior partner and managing partner of Howse Williams. His main practice areas are dispute resolution; shipping, insurance and professional indemnity insurance; clinical negligence and healthcare.

Chris has more than 35 years of legal experience. He established Richards Butler's Hong Kong office in 1981. Chris worked as the firm's senior partner until he left to establish Howse Williams in January 2012.


1975 College of Law 1973 University of Bristol, BA (Hons) 1970 University of Geneva.
