Region Area


Damian Hodkinson

Damian Hodkinson

Irwin Mitchell, North West

Work Department

Court of Protection




Damian is a Partner in the Court of Protection team, based in our Manchester office.

He was appointed by the Court of Protection team to act as a professional deputy for people who have lost capacity to manage their financial affairs. Most of his clients have received multi-million-pound settlements as a result of serious injury or medical negligence.

He works closely with both our Personal Injury and Medical Negligence teams to manage interim payments for clients until their claims are fully settled.  Damian also provides expert evidence to budget future deputyship support costs for them. This means the compensation claim can be set at the right level, to ensure they receive the right care and support that they need for the rest of their lives.

Once a claim has settled, he supports clients with their everyday financial affairs. This may involve investing their compensation, buying and adapting a property that is suitable for their needs, and putting rehabilitation packages in place for them.

He also deals with Statutory Will applications - this is for when a client lacks capacity to give instructions about their own Will and the Court of Protection must do it on their behalf. This can be a sensitive area and may be complex when family members are not in agreement as to what should happen.
