Region Area


Airton Bombardeli Riella

Work Department

Tax Litigation


Partner of the Rafael Pandolfo Advogados Associados law firm since 2005. Since 2011, he is responsible for the technical conduction of the judicial litigation of the office, being the team coordinator and guiding the judicial strategies applied in all disputes of the firm. He has extensive experience in tax consulting and administrative litigation. He has extensive experience in the care of retail, wholesale, goods, services and agribusiness companies, constantly working in the judicial defense of medium and large corporations, whether in the de-constitution of debts collected from companies, or in the filing of lawsuits for the recovery of tax assets.


Member of the Tax Law Studies Association of Sao Paulo (Associação Paulista de Estudos Tributários) (APET) and of the Tax Law Special Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio Grande do Sul Branch (Comissão Especial de Direito Tributário da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil Seccional do Rio Grande do Sul).


Partner Coordinator


Bachelor's degree in Law from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC/RS). Specialist degree in Tax Law from Brazilian Tax Studies Institute (IBET). Postgraduate Degree in Civil Procedural Law from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Student in the Extension Course in Strategic Management of Law Offices by Unisinos.


City focus - Porto Alegre • Brazil
