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Tom Sharman

Work Department

Patents & Trade Marks


Tom joined Reddie & Grose in 2005 and was made a partner in 2015. He is a UK and European patent attorney and a UK trade mark attorney, working in our engineering, materials and consumer products group. He handles all aspects of patent, trade mark and registered design portfolios. He has a varied client base ranging from entrepreneurs to multinationals.


Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)

Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPO)

Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA)

IPSoc (a society dedicated to junior Intellectual Property practitioners)



Tom develops protection strategies for innovations, designs and brands for clients ranging from start-ups to multinationals.

Tom’s trade mark practice includes advising on the availability of marks and the potential impact of third party marks, building global portfolios, preparing and filing oppositions and negotiating settlements.

He works with clients to protect the look and feel of their websites, graphical user interfaces and mobile apps worldwide. He also advises on online infringement of clients’ marks and designs.

Tom also works with clients to protect innovations and designs in the mechanical and automotive fields in key jurisdictions around the world. Current projects include a range of automotive developments including two stroke engines, transmission systems, engine bearings and conrod assemblies, as well as aircraft seats and seating configurations, heavy lifting and moving equipment and a range of consumer products.

He advises on the level of risk associated with launching new products in these crowded technical fields, on whether action can be taken to prevent the sale of competing products, and on the strength and scope of third party patents and designs.


Chartered Trade Mark Attorney (2011)

European Patent Attorney (2010)

Registered & Chartered Patent Attorney (2009)

Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) MEng, University of Birmingham

Diploma in Industrial Studies, University of Birmingham
