Siqueira Castro – Advogados

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Otavio Pinto e Silva

Work Department

São Paulo Office.


• Around 25 years of experience in the Labor Law and Procedural Labor Law areas• Professor of the Labor and Social Security Law Department of the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School, since 1995• Researcher of the Centro di Studi Latinoamericani, at Tor Vergata - II Università degli Studi di Roma, Italy, in 1991• Participant in the Examining Commission of the 3rd Test (sentence) of the XXXI and XXXII Labor Magistrature Examination of the 2nd Region • Participant in the Examining Commission of the 4th Test (Oral) of the XXXIII Labor Magistrature Examination of the 2nd Region • Participant in the Examining Commission of the 1st Test (Selective Process) of the XXXV Labor Magistrature Examination of the 2nd Region • Member of the examining committee of the public selection process for higher teaching positions of the Mato Grosso State University Foundation (UNEMAT)• Member of the examining committee of the public selection process for adjunct professors of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in 2005• Member of the examining committee of the public selection process for Professors for the Department of Private Law and Civil Procedural Law of Ribeirão Preto Law School of USP – 2008• Member of the examining committee of the public selection process Professors for the Labor and Social Security Law Department of the USP Law School - 2010• Member of the examining committees for graduate theses in law, specialization, Master's and Doctorate Programs at the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School and other universities• Member of the Labor Law Commission of OAB/SP, part of the Committee of Labor Procedural Law, in compliance with Ordinance 255/10


• Member of the Brazilian Bar Association• Member of the São Paulo State Lawyers' Association (AASP)• Board Member of the São Paulo Association of Labor Lawyers (AATSP)• Treasurer of the Arcadas Foundation• President of the Association of the Friends of the ‘XI de Agosto’ Legal Department (AADJ)



Areas of activity • Labor Law• Procedural Labor Law• Litigation


• Graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP), em 1988• Specialization in Labor Law at the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School• Master in Labor Law from the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School• Doctor of Labor Law from the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School
