Siqueira Castro – Advogados

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Region Area


Eduardo Ribeiro Augusto

Work Department

São Paulo Office.


• Over 15 years of work in the intellectual property area, with focus on trademark registration, anti-piracy measures and border measures


• Member of the Brazilian Bar Association• Member of the Lawyers Association of São Paulo• Member of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI)• Vice-president of the Association for Defense of Intellectual Property in Portuguese-Speaking Countries (APILOP)



Areas of Activity • Intellectual Property• Trademark Registration• Anti-Piracy• Border Measures• Unfair Competition• Customs Fraud• Commercial Defense• Copyright• Domain Names


• Graduated from Paulista University Law School (UNIP), in 2002• Extension Course in Industrial Property from Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/SP)• Specialization in Intellectual Property from Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/SP) • Program at Franklin Pierce Law Center (University of New Hampshire, USA)• Class on Intellectual Property from the University of São Paulo Law School
