Van Bael & Bellis

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Region Area


Thibaut D'hulst

Work Department

Data Protection, Regulatory, Competition


Thibaut joined Van Bael & Bellis in 2006.


Member of the Brussels Bar


Counsel Thibaut D’hulst focuses on data protection, intellectual property law, pharmaceutical law and competition law.


Thibaut is a certified Data Protection Officer and assists clients in the pharmaceutical sector in complying with EU and Belgian data protection rules by conducting data protection audits, drafting company policies, information clauses and processor agreements on data protection, filing notifications, assisting clients in procedures before data protection authorities and advising on the international transfer of personal data.


He regularly assists clients in new technology projects regarding compliance with data protection, intellectual property and/or pharmaceutical laws. 


Thibaut regularly speaks and writes on data protection and intellectual property law.


Queen Mary, University of London – LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law, 2006; University of Leuven, Belgium – Postgraduate degree in Business Economics, 2005; University of Leuven, Belgium – Licence in Law, 2004; University of Namur, Belgium – Candidate in Law, 2001
