Region Area


Sharon Mathieson

Work Department

Property Litigation




Sharon specialises in property litigation, acting for a wealth of clients across various sectors.

She acts for landlords and tenants in disputes involving dilapidations, service charge, the validity of break notices, rent review and lease renewal and other landlord and tenant disputes including possession and forfeiture.

She also specialises in advising land owners on the interpretation of property contracts such as options and pre-emptions, rectification (both Land Registry and Deed rectification), trespass, adverse possession, restrictive covenants and easements.

Sharon has particular expertise in advising public and third sector clients on property matters with specific experience of the additional factors that ought to be taken into account in those sectors (charitable objectives, PR/media attention, the political arena, individual complaints and ombudsman procedures).

She currently provides day to day estates advice to Canal & River Trust.

Sharon works closely with our property teams, providing strategic input (often behind the scenes) into matters such as vacant possession and development strategies; and also with our commercial litigation team, acting in property-related professional negligence claims.

Sharon has presented at a number of in-house seminars and workshops on topics such as:

    Charitable property    Commercial service charges    Dilapidations and break notices    Driving Efficiencies in your Estate Management    Restrictive covenant issues    Third Party Occupiers    Business tenancies    Introduction to landlord and tenant issues