Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Eleanor Davison
Fountain Court Chambers 
‘Eleanor provides top-notch client service. She has a sharp intellect, combined with an effortlessly humble approach to stakeholder engagement – not afraid to ask astute questions in order to shape her advice accordingly, and always on top of the detail.’
Charlotte Eborall
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Charlotte is extremely forensic with an excellent understanding of financial services. She produces excellent drafts, and is the perfect balance of intellect, pragmatism and client service.’
Philip Hinks
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Philip is a superb communicator who provides clear and precise advice in all situations. He is a pragmatic but firm advocate who is able to think quickly on his feet.’
Paul Luckhurst
Blackstone Chambers
‘Paul's strengths are clarity of thought and expression, as well as extremely good drafting, Paul is a thinker and is always a good choice to guide through tricky issues.’
James Potts
3 Verulam Buildings
‘James is absolutely first-rate and knows and understands financial services regulation, including basic compliance across the areas on money laundering, fraud and sanctions. He is hard working and over the years he has developed a deeper understanding of the sector and all the sorts of things to look for.’
Simon Pritchard
Blackstone Chambers
‘Simon advisory work is second-to-none. His ability to cut through tricky issues and provide straight-forward and intelligent advice is invaluable.’
James Purchas
4 Pump Court
‘James has a forensic eye for detail in financial services statutes and rules, and approaches everything with a high degree of analysis.’
Adam Temple
3 Verulam Buildings
'Adam is incredibly quick to get on top of a vast amount of detail, marshalling it with consummate ease. He works enormously hard and has excellent judgement. His calm and purposeful cross-examination is highly effective and his advocacy matches his outstanding written work.'
Daniel Burgess
Blackstone Chambers
‘Daniel is exceptionally bright and extremely competent. He is particularly adept in being able to cut through large volumes of material and complex issues.’
Stephen Neville
Gough Square Chambers
‘Stephen is incredibly knowledgeable, not only about the regulations but the industry as a whole and the way the courts and regulators apply and interpret the regulations.’
Elizabeth Ovey
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Elizabeth is very careful and considered. She has good experience in the area of FCA regulated pensions, which a lot of pension barristers do not have, and therefore is a good senior all-rounder.’
Ajay Ratan
Blackstone Chambers
‘Ajay is exceptionally bright and on top of that, is a pleasure to work with. He shows the thoughtfulness of a barrister well beyond his call and is responsive to a fault.’
Julia Smith
Henderson Chambers
‘Julia is very efficient and responsive on often quite time-sensitive instructions. Her technical expertise is clear from her advice, and she has a very logical approach.’
Kate Urell
Gough Square Chambers
‘Kate is very responsive and provides insightful, commercially focused advice on highly technical areas of law, but in a user-friendly manner and bearing in mind that her advice will often also be received by non-lawyers and business teams.’
Theodor van Sante
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Responsive and quick, very pleasant to deal with. Theodor is collaborative and provides clear and accurate written advice which identifies how legal issues impact on clients in practical and commercial terms.’
Harry Adamson
Blackstone Chambers
‘Harry is an absolute delight to work with. He is kind, considerate and gracious, as well as being immensely intelligent and having an excellent eye for detail and drafts beautifully.’
Lee Finch
Gough Square Chambers
‘A silk in the making: Lee is dedicated, reliable and bright. Judges have always taken a real shine to his style, which is firm and direct, but polite and respectful at all times.’
Stephen Kosmin
‘Stephen is great to work with. He has tremendous knowledge and is very creative, coming up with strategies that other people wouldn't think of and that make a big difference.’
Teniola Onabanjo
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Teniola is an outstanding lawyer, with a confident grasp of highly complex legal concepts and an excellent drafting style. She has reliably good judgement and an unusual ability to make powerful points in a low-key way, which is very effective.’
Leonora Sagan
Fountain Court Chambers
‘She is extremely bright, clear thinking and focussed. Leonara discards the irrelevant and can build strengths into a case by focussing on what is meritorious and will work with the judge or tribunal. Judges and tribunals will consider her to be a leading light of her generation because of the clarity she brings to a case and the total absence of show or flannel.’
Emily Saunderson
Quadrant Chambers
‘Incredible attention to detail - Emily is always on top of her brief, well prepared and able to present complex legal and regulatory advice in a way that clients can understand. She is also an impressive negotiator, bringing a useful skill set to meditations and settlement meetings.’
Robin Lööf
Robin Lööf
Fountain Court Chambers
 ‘Robin is extremely knowledgeable and one of the go-to barristers for AML/CTF regulatory advice. He is commercial and quick to assist, is excellent with clients and a pleasure to work with.’
Tim Aron
Tim Aron
Minerva Chambers
Iona Levine
Iona Levine
Minerva Chambers
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.