Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Catherine Brown
6KBW College Hill
‘She is such a strong advocate. She knows the law, she has a great court manner, and she's completely straight forward and trustworthy.’
Peter Caldwell
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Peter has an enormous amount of experience in dealing with extradition cases, and his experience of both prosecuting and defending is invaluable.’
Natasha Draycott
5 St Andrews Hill
‘She has the ability to think outside the box and raise novel grounds against extradition, and she is open-minded and innovative.’
Iain Edwards
‘He is an assured presence on any team, and particularly in court, and brings a wide range of experience to international criminal law work, which is deployed to expert effect.’
James Stansfeld
Matrix Chambers
‘A go-to extradition junior. Tactical and very easy going. His written work is exceptional and can change the course of a case.‘
Sarah Bafadhel
9BR Chambers
‘Sarah is an outstanding practitioner with good drafting and advocacy skills and her knowledge of international criminal law and procedure is excellent.’
Louisa Collins
5 St Andrews Hill
‘Louisa effectively identifies the most effective arguments in her client's case and deploys them incredibly effectively.’
Haydee Dijkstal
33 Bedford Row
‘In the field of international criminal law, Haydee is a leading authority on the judicial review of decisions related to the opening of investigations at the International Criminal Court.’
Gillian Higgins
9BR Chambers
‘An experienced advocate who has been in all the leading cases that have framed international criminal law. She is able to get to the route of the case and provides energy and dynamism in her work.’
Rachel Kapila
Cloth Fair Chambers
‘Rachel is the only sensible choice for any extradition silk in need of the best junior, with the most penetrating mind, for the most difficult case.’   
Adam Payter
6KBW College Hill
‘His case preparation is watertight and diligent. Adam’s creative approach to the law and ability to think outside the box is an invaluable contribution.’
Nina Tavakoli
Red Lion Chambers
‘Her attention to detail and overall legal judgement are second to none. She is an experienced and outstanding advocate both in the UK and international courts.’    
David Young
Red Lion Chambers
‘He is clear, to the point, and passionate about his cases. He is known to be effective in court, including in questioning witnesses.’
Alexander dos Santos
Alexander dos Santos
Serjeants’ Inn Chambers
‘Alex is a consummate advocate. A safe pair of hands for any extradition case.’
Myles Grandison
Myles Grandison
Temple Garden Chambers
 ‘Myles is a first choice for any defendant in need of a lawyer able to pull out a novel argument in a seemingly hopeless case.’    
Sam Blom-Cooper
25 Bedford Row
‘Sam is a powerful force. He has excellent forensic skills, and has an incisively critical eye both for individual items of evidence as well as the larger factual picture.’
Hannah Burton
Furnival Chambers
‘She prosecutes robustly and fairly, and she has significant experience acting for issuing judicial authorities in complex extradition appeals before the High Court.’
Rhys Davies
Temple Garden Chambers
‘A leading advocate who is vastly experienced in UN special procedures applications and is able to advise clients in the most complex international cases.’
Richard Evans
6KBW College Hill
 ‘Richard is a class act – stately and serene, but forceful as required. He is a go-to junior for prosecuting complex Part 2 cases.’
Monica Feria-Tinta
Twenty Essex
‘Monica is a highly respected international lawyer who brings her great knowledge in the field of academia to the Bar.’
Megan Hirst
Doughty Street Chambers
‘She is a first-rate lawyer who is incredibly committed to her clients. She has a wonderful advocacy style, calm but authoritative.’
Kathryn Howarth
Temple Garden Chambers
'Very knowledgeable and diligent in her preparation work, able to identify and pursue novel and complex grounds to resist extradition and persuasive on her feet.'
Stefan Hyman
9BR Chambers
‘He is imaginative and insightful and has a very energetic, charming court manner – judges like him.’
Ben Joyes
9BR Chambers
‘A great team player and good advocate with a relaxed style in extradition cases.’
Gemma Lindfield
5 St Andrews Hill
‘Gemma is a safe pair of hands for taking on any case and one of the best barristers for cases where there is a cross-over with extradition law and family law.’
Ben Lloyd
6KBW College Hill
‘One of the extradition Bar’s most revered prosecution juniors, with an ingrained sense of fairness that instils immediate confidence in any tribunal.’
Mark Smith
5 St Andrews Hill
'Mark is extremely good and one of the best in arguing and winning cases on legal and technical grounds, and he is also one of the best when it comes to an overlap with extradition and family law proceedings.'
Alex Tinsley
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Alex brings a depth of insight into extradition cases which is rarely seen. His arguments are thorough, well researched and novel – an incredibly bright advocate.’
Jonathan Worboys
4 New Square
‘Jonathan has a wonderful ability to see to the heart of the matter and to explain the key questions process clearly, bringing the team and the clients together in agreeing upon key strategic points.’
David Ball
David Ball
36 Group
‘He prepares a case like no other, and is always up to speed on the latest legal developments. Recommended for extradition cases.’
Jelia Sane
Jelia Sane
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Jelia is a first-class lawyer, with a great knowledge of international criminal law, and she is passionate in her protection of the victims of international crimes.’  
Toby Cadman
Toby Cadman
Guernica 37 Chambers
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Juliet Wells
Temple Garden Chambers
‘Juliet is an up-and-coming barrister of real promise - her written advocacy is forceful and concise, much like her oral advocacy.’
John Crawford
John Crawford
5 St Andrews Hill
Georgia Beatty
Georgia Beatty
5 St Andrews Hill
‘She is excellent in all aspects of her work – oral and written advocacy, case preparation and client care – and she is able to successfully challenge a case that other barristers cannot.’