Leading Silks
Jonathan Adkin KC
Serle Court
‘Jonathan has a superlative ability to get to the heart of a case and identify good points and jettison bad ones. He analyses complex issues incisively and persuasively. He provides clear advice on complex legal issues and is an excellent tactician.’
Gilead Cooper KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Gilead has the ability to take hugely complex issues and distil them into crystal-clear concepts that clients and courts find compelling. He is a first-rate advocate and consummate trust lawyer.’
Brian Green KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Brian is an outstanding intellect, with a complete mastery of the papers and a single-minded determination to protect his clients, with the capacity to roll up his sleeves and do what is required on a case, even if it may be considered beneath an advocate of his calibre. He is a complete team player and inspires those around him to operate at a higher level.’  
Nicholas Le Poidevin KC
New Square Chambers
‘Nicholas is an outstanding Chancery silk. His technical expertise is of the highest order, and his written advice is utterly lucid and on point. He has a very nice persuasive advocacy style.’
Clare Stanley KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Clare is an outstanding advocate. She is always meticulously prepared in court, delivers punchy submissions and searches cross-examination.’
Richard Wilson KC
Serle Court
'Richard is the all-around superstar of a barrister. He is very affable, with internal and external clients being drawn to his warm personality.'
Henry Legge KC
Henry Legge KC
5 Stone Buildings
‘Henry is exceedingly clever. He excels in dealing with complicated cases and issues and enjoys strategy. He is a creative thinker and very good on his feet.’
Penelope Reed KC
Penelope Reed KC
5 Stone Buildings
‘Penelope is hugely experienced and intelligent. She has the respect of all judges and parties involved and is a collegiate person to work with.’
David Brownbill KC
XXIV Old Buildings
‘David is a fantastic technical lawyer with an ability to reduce complex analysis to readily understandable work product. He is thoroughly committed to his clients and understands all the context and nuance of trust work.’
Edward Cumming KC
XXIV Old Buildings
‘Edward is an absolute superstar. He has a phenomenal work rate, huge intellect, an elephantine memory, and utterly charming with it.’
Jonathan Hilliard KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Jonathan has an incredible ability to be all over the detail of a matter and provides excellent strategic and commercial advice. He has an amazing mind and is incredibly knowledgeable.’
John Machell KC
Serle Court
‘John is a heavyweight in the trust litigation world. He is vastly knowledgeable and immediately grasps the key legal and commercial issues. His drafting and advocacy skills are also excellent.’
Constance McDonnell KC
Serle Court
‘Constance is a first choice for high-value estate claims. She has a fantastic judgement, is aggressive when needed, and is one to have on your side. She strikes fear into the hearts of opponents and can win unwinnable cases.’
Robert Pearce KC
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Robert is a supremely clever and authoritative barrister who judges listen to. He possesses an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law.’
Tracey Angus KC
Tracey Angus KC
5 Stone Buildings
‘Tracey has an exceptional eye for detail and grasp of complex legal issues.’
David Rees KC
David Rees KC
5 Stone Buildings
‘David is an exceptional lawyer and is a go-to silk. He is technically excellent in both strategy and his subject matter. He is a level head and calming influence in some very difficult client situations.’
Shân Warnock-Smith KC
Shân Warnock-Smith KC
5 Stone Buildings
‘Shân is an immensely experienced and brilliant strategist and stays calm even in the face of an overly aggressive adversary. She is down to earth, has a lovely human side, and clients love her – she is someone you want on your team.’
Ian Clarke KC
Selborne Chambers
'Ian is an exceptional legal brain, quickly processes huge volumes of documentation and can cut straight to the heart of the case. He immediately gains the client's trust and instructs solicitors with the quality of his advice and tactical acumen.'
Jonathan Davey KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Jonathan has an impressive knowledge of trusts law. He is a tenacious advocate who fights his client’s corner with great skill and care. His written work is excellent, charming the reader to his way of thinking.’
Thomas Dumont KC
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Thomas has incisive analysis, imbues confidence in his advice and has a supportive approach. He gets to the nub of the issue - prepares excellent and to-the-point skeletons and other written advice. He is a general go-to person for complex trust issues.’
Alexander Learmonth KC
New Square Chambers
‘Alexander can digest and fully understand the brief thoroughly and quickly. He can succinctly set out his reasoning to clients whilst always remaining contactable. He is friendly, courteous and professional.’
Andrew Mold KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Andrew has a first-rate mind. His advocacy and cross-examination are insightful and incisive. He is also supremely user-friendly, works well with people at all levels, and is strategically brilliant.’
Christopher Tidmarsh KC
Christopher Tidmarsh KC
5 Stone Buildings
‘Christopher is very user-friendly. He rolls up his sleeves and makes practical and pragmatic recommendations. He gets straight to the point and is straightforward to work with. He can distil lots of complicated detail into concise takeaways.’
2022 Silks
2023 Silks