‘A mediation team combining those from a therapeutic background and lawyers', Family Law in Partnership Ltd is recommended for ‘the way in which it seeks to join legal and other services all for the benefit of the clients’. Head of mediation Dominic Raeside is 'one of the very best mediators in the country‘, mediating both domestically and cross-border and offering sole, hybrid, and co-mediation. He is qualified in child inclusive mediation, also offered by James Pirrie
and Ruth Smallacombe. Pirrie also practices as a child arbitrator, and has developed the FLiP Settle model for couples resolving issues together. Smallacombe leverages longstanding experience to mediate for high-conflict couples. For complex financial claims on divorce, David Allison
is particularly recommended, while Elizabeth Fletcher is a go-to for child matters.
Family: mediation in London
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Other key lawyers:
Dominic Raeside; David Allison; Elizabeth Fletcher; James Pirrie; Ruth Smallacombe; Nicole Phillips; Charlotte Symes
‘They lead, others follow. Rightly holding the number one spot in the country. A mediation team combining those from a therapeutic background and lawyers. Their capabilities and experience separate them from the rest. Hugely impressive.’
‘Many law firms describe themselves as innovative, but arguably FLiP have the best claim to use that word to describe themselves. The NCDR offering of the firm and the way in which it seeks to join the legal and other services all for the benefit of the clients is exceptional.’
‘James Pirrie is a stand out for innovation. He has now brought his towering intellect to his practice as a mediator. He will go the extra mile to seek out the best way of resolving matters for his clients.’
‘Nicole Phillips is brimming with intelligence, compassion and integrity.’
‘Charlotte Symes is empathetic and sensible. She sees through issues clearly and is settlement focused.’
‘Elizabeth Fletcher is a super mediator who is completely child focused and has a lovely manner with clients to encourage them to reach solutions.’
‘David Allison is a very accomplished mediator. His professional skills stand out; he is sympathetic, balanced and neutral. I recommend him highly.’
‘Dominic Raeside is quite simply one of the very best mediators in the country. He has it all; the skills, the experience and the charm allied with an ability to resolve even the most intractable of disagreements.’
Russell-Cooke LLP
Conducting sole, hybrid, shuttle, and co-mediation, Russell-Cooke LLP’s six-strong mediation team works ‘effectively' and 'efficiently'. Fiona Read, team head in Putney, ‘speaks with a calmness and authority that sets the clients at ease’; she offers arbitration and an early neutral evaluation service alongside expertise as a child-inclusive mediator. In the central London office, James Carroll is ‘one of the very few lawyer mediators that handle the most difficult and complex cases’, with experience supporting same-sex couples and handling issues with an international dimension. Alongside Read and Carroll, also in central London, Kate Hamilton ‘exudes experience' in mediation for unmarried couples and family members intervening in divorce proceedings. Katie Longmate joined the team from AFP Bloom in January 2024, bringing a strong practice in child relocation cases.
Practice head(s):
Fiona Read; James Carroll; Kate Hamilton
Other key lawyers:
Miranda Green; Hannah Minty; Katie Longmate
‘Fiona Read has a fine reputation for both money and children, and is an experienced part-time judge and arbitrator. Fiona is always popular with clients, always willing to offer excellent advice and assistance and you feel as if you are working as part of a team. Very good at difficult, challenging and acrimonious cases. She speaks with a calmness and authority that sets the clients at ease.’
‘James Carroll is just excellent, with both lay clients and professional ones alike. He is always very calm and measured and extremely well prepared. He follows up with lay clients in a clear and plain English way which they appreciate.’
‘James Carroll is an excellent lawyer and one of the very few lawyer mediators that handle the most difficult and complex cases. James is always on top of his game and will always strive to find the best outcomes for his clients and for the couple in mediation.’
‘Russell-Cooke are not showy, they just get the job done effectively, efficiently and furthering their clients’ interests.’
‘Kate Hamilton exudes experience, common sense and care. Her clients are lucky to have her on their team.’
‘Kate Hamilton is a brilliant mediator. She helps her mediation clients to focus on the relevant issues that will give them the best prospects of finding agreements that will work for them. She is supportive, knowlegeable and pragmatic. ’
‘Katie Longmate has cemented herself in the mediation world. A super human touch regularly helps clients reach successful outcomes. ’
‘James Carroll is the “client whisperer”; he just has a way of making sense.’
Work highlights
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP offers a ‘holistic service‘ with ‘some of the most experienced mediators in the country‘. Caroline Bowden ‘is a standout star' in the team, conducting traditional and hybrid mediations surrounding issues including foreign jurisdictions, inter-generational concerns, and children-related matters. Recommended for her ‘vast experience‘, Kim Beatson carries out civil and commercial work alongside family mediation. For international assets and jurisdictional issues, David Emmerson is a go-to: ‘an unfailingly fair mediator‘, Emmerson ‘offers the highest level of expertise across the family law spectrum’. Fiona Lyon qualified as a mediator in January 2023.
Practice head(s):
Kim Beatson; Sarah Hughes
Other key lawyers:
Caroline Bowden; David Emmerson; Fiona Lyon
‘Caroline Bowden is a standout star; she is a highly experienced mediator who is calm, confident and capable even with the most acrimonious or complicated disputes.’
‘Anthony Gold offer a holistic service to their clients. They have some of the most experienced mediators in the country. Their training in a variety of approaches to mediation means they are able to offer the right service for any situation and as a lawyer I have the utmost trust in them.’
‘David Emmerson offers the highest level of expertise across the family law spectrum. David is an unfailingly fair mediator who brings to mediation a huge depth of family law knowledge which ensures that clients are supported to almost invariably find a solution in mediation with him.’
‘Fiona Lyon has a wonderful demeanor that puts clients at ease and enables them to commit to and embrace mediation with her. She is excellent at ensuring that clients in mediation feel heard and engage in mediation constructively.’
‘Kim Beatson is one of the doyennes of family law. She has vast experience, detailed knowledge of the law and is concise and to the point but able to ensure that she adapts to offer the very best service to her clients in mediation to help them find an outcome.’
‘This family law department really is the Gold standard. Highly capable and personable individuals and brilliant team players. Experienced, calm and unflappable. Client focused and always working to resolve their clients’ issues away from the court wherever possible. Non-court dispute resolution runs through everything they do.’
‘Caroline Bowden is always a pleasure to work with; she is thorough, caring and up to date with the latest mediation practice. Clients who I have referred to Caroline are impressed by her skills in getting them to an agreement and where that was not possible in narrowing the issues.’
‘The team of mediators at Anthony Gold are some of the best in the country. They are more experienced probably than any other London practice. There is depth in the work they do and they bring clients along in the process. They can handle complex and difficult cases which would not traditionally be considered appropriate for mediation or dispute resolution but critical for family’s in crisis.’
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
The ‘fantastic‘ mediation team at Charles Russell Speechlys LLP handles both financial and children-related mediations. ‘Exceptional mediator’ Sarah Anticoni is ‘multi-talented and gently forthright with clients‘, with experience in advising on the dissolution of religious as well as civil marriages, including those with international elements. In Guildford, Shona Alexander specialises in high-net-worth financial cases, with expertise regarding the unmarried family, cohabitation, and Schedule 1 cases. Department head William Longrigg
is a trained family arbitrator, adding to the team’s comprehensive non-court dispute resolution offering, which includes a number of team members trained in the collaborative process.
Practice head(s):
William Longrigg
Other key lawyers:
Sarah Anticoni; Shona Alexander
‘Sarah Anticoni is one of the best mediators in London. She has so much experience and has all the inter-personal skills needed to help clients reach an agreement.’
‘Sarah Anticoni is one of the leading family mediators in London and always in our top recommended family mediators for HNW and UHNW couples. She carries huge gravitas, and has years of experience which she uses to benefit her mediation clients and encourage them to find solutions.’
‘CRS have a fantastic team. They are well regarded and well liked in the industry. They are good at strength in depth and particularly good at having a range of styles and approaches so that you can refer clients to the right person and find somebody who is going to be sympathetic with them.’
‘Sarah Anticoni is an exceptional mediator; a head and shoulders above all other practitioners in London. She is incredibly efficient and adept at getting to the nub of issues swiftly. She has presence and people listen to her and take her very wise counsel.’
‘Sarah Anticoni is empathetic but pragmatic. She is terrific at appropriately focusing minds on the real issues and seeing the woods for the trees.’
‘Sarah Anticoni is right up there in the top mediators in London; multi-talented and gently forthright with clients to help steer them in the right direction to conclude their matters well away from the court eye.’
‘Sarah Anticoni is an excellent mediator. She is highly experienced, empathetic but firm, and keeps control of the room, whilst at the same time facilitating proper discussion between the clients. If I had a choice, I would send all my mediations to her, whether they be children or money disputes.’
‘Sarah Anticoni is, in my view, the most experienced and best mediator in the market presently.’
Work highlights
Family Law Partners
‘A strong mediation team who are a real driving force in the ADR arena’, Family Law Partners fields a number of Family Mediation Council accredited mediators with expertise spanning financial and children-related matters and a range of bases across the South East. ‘Focused and skilled mediator‘ Gemma Hope works alongside Hazel Manktelow, who is noted for her qualification as a child-inclusive mediator with a specialism in domestic abuse cases. Sarah-Jane Riddell is a go-to for hybrid mediation, which is also offered by Kate Elliott, whose ability to ‘unlock and solve even the trickiest of cases‘ is praised. Hannah Viet is recommended as ‘exactly the sort of person you want to try and bring people together'.
Other key lawyers:
Kate Elliott; Gemma Hope; Polly Dallyn; Emily Pain; Hazel Manktelow; Jayne Llewellyn; Alice Scambler; Charlotte Plowman; Hannah Viet; Sarah-Jane Riddell
‘An incredibly cohesive team with very high standards.’
‘Kate Elliott has tremendous instincts, backed up with sheer hard work in pursuit of the best outcomes for her clients.’
‘A strong mediation team who are a real driving force in the ADR arena.’
‘An incredibly sensible, pragmatic and solution-focused team. They are always over the detail without being distracted by the end goal offering.’
‘Hannah Viet is excellent, approachable, balanced and empathetic. Exactly the sort of person you want to try and bring people together and work out a knotty problem. You always feel safe and confident referring clients to her.’
‘Polly Dallyn is an excellent mediator who I would regularly refer to; she is empathetic and very good at clear outcome documents.’
‘Gemma Hope is supportive of other up-and-coming mediators. Focused and skilled mediator.’
‘Kate Elliott is gaining a reputation as a standout mediator. I have sent numerous mediations to Kate, and she has managed to unlock and solve even the trickiest of cases. Clients find her fair, even-handed, proactive, and hard-working. Kate really gets under the skin of a case to try to help guide the clients to a settlement.’
Work highlights
Kingsley Napley LLP
Kingsley Napley LLP's mediation team is ‘growing from strength to strength‘ under the leadership of ‘second-to-none’ Charlotte Bradley, who mediates both traditionally and in the hybrid structure for financial and children-related matters. For multi-jurisdictional disputes involving complex financial arrangements, Connie Atkinson is recommended, ensuring that clients feel ‘empowered by the process‘, while Lauren Evans‘ ‘calm’ approach is noted in her work involving business and trust assets. High-conflict, cross-border children disputes, particularly those involving the UAE, are an area of strength for Stacey Nevin.
Practice head(s):
Sital Fontenelle
Other key lawyers:
Charlotte Bradley; Connie Atkinson; Lauren Evans; Stacey Nevin
‘A great mediation offering; they are really committed to it and it shows.’
‘The mediation team at Kingsley Napley are growing from strength to strength. Great expertise both in matrimonial finance and complex children matters, so I have no hesitation recommending any of the mediators.’
‘Charlotte Bradley is second-to-none, hugely technical, has great strategic sense and always takes a pragmatic, holistic approach to mediations. She can take on the most unlikely cases and find a way to come out the other end with proposals that work for the family. Clients love her.’
‘Stacey Nevin is an excellent mediator. She has the ability to read the room incredibly well and sense when to push on a mediation or when to take a break. She does not play the advantage and is always fair.’
‘The family team are extremely competent, friendly and approachable.’
‘Stacey Nevin engages in mediation in high-tension and difficult cases. The work produced is thorough and pragmatic, and the feedback from my client is very positive.’
‘Connie Atkinson’s mediation practice goes from strength to strength. She makes clients feel empowered by the process and crucially they both feel it is fair and that they are heard. Connie is patient and fair, and firm where necessary, so one party does not feel there is a power imbalance.’
‘Lauren Evans is calm and unflappable: absolutely key for an effective mediator.’
Work highlights
Mills & Reeve LLP
Mills & Reeve LLP fields ‘an impressive team with a number of excellent mediators in London and elsewhere’. The team is headed by ‘go-to’ Alison Bull, whose practice spans hybrid mediation, cross-border child abduction mediation, child-inclusive mediation, and arbitration. Suzanne Kingston is recommended as ‘a good choice for a high-net-worth mediation‘, while Joanna Grandfield, head of family and children, is ‘always constructive and a joy to have on any case‘. Working across London and Oxford, ‘experienced practitioner’ Tim Whitney is accredited by the Family Mediation Council as an all issues mediator.
Practice head(s):
Alison Bull; Suzanne Kingston
Other key lawyers:
Tim Whitney; Joanna Grandfield; Caitlin Jenkins
‘Suzanne Kingston is the best person in family law, hands down. An excellent lawyer, she also arbitrates and within the mediation field has an ability to support clients through an emotive process to reach a resolution.’
‘Tim Whitney is a very experienced practitioner and his day to day practice as a family lawyer makes him a strong mediator as he has a clear understanding of the law and the approach of the courts. Tim has a very good manner with clients and he is able to cut through tricky issues with a pragmatic and forward thinking approach. At the same time, he makes the parties feel heard.’
‘Joanna Grandfield leads the team and is brilliant. She specialises in money issues. She is clever and totally unflappable but always constructive and a joy to have on any case.’
‘Alison Bull is one of my go-to lawyers whether for collaborative, arbitration, mediation or as a lawyer to partner in a case. She has top scores on the key attributes: hard work and a focus on the client above all, technical ability and judgement, connection to the client and to allied services, and use of knowledge of settlement skills.’
‘An impressive team with a number of excellent mediators in London and elsewhere, like Oxford and Cambridge. Equally good at finance and children work and all the partners are bright, clear and good to deal with. They have strong mediators too and are always in my top three of recommended mediators.’
‘Suzanne Kingston is hugely experienced in mediation and arbitration. A good choice for a high-net-worth mediation, particularly using the hybrid model.’
‘Tim Whitney is the cream of the crop. He handles the most tricky of cases calmly and with gentle authority.’
‘Joanna Grandfield is calm, assured, knowledgeable and very skilled. She is my go-to mediator.’
Work highlights
Moore Barlow
The family team at Moore Barlow, headed by Joanna Farrands, ‘has dispute resolution in its DNA‘, with four mediators operating across London, Richmond, Woking, and Guildford. Karen Barham acts full time as a mediator and parenting coordinator, is praised for being ‘at the forefront of mediation’ for both finances and children work, and qualified to meet with children in child-inclusive mediation. Victoria Walker and Jan Galloway continue to be recommended for mediation matters, with Galloway additionally supporting clients as a divorce and separation coach.
Practice head(s):
Joanna Farrands
Other key lawyers:
Karen Barham; Jan Galloway; Victoria Walker; Charlotte Millard
‘Moore Barlow are a family team of strength and depth. Impressive in litigation and out of court dispute resolution. Always looking at innovative ways to resolve disputes and support clients.’
‘Karen Barham is an imaginative and brilliant mediator bringing a real talent to solving difficult and challenging family breakdowns. She has a real knack for taking clients with her. A first choice and a reliable choice.’
‘The Moore Barlow team has dispute resolution in its DNA and I always know that if they are on the other side we will be able to find an outcome that works for both parties without recourse to the court.’
‘Karen Barham is the standout member of the Moore Barlow team. There simply is no better mediator than Karen. She is extremely bright, firm but always kind, and able with an authority that clients and professionals respect and respond positively too.’
‘Karen Barham has phenomenal energy and is passionate about mediation. She has experience in dealing with the most difficult of cases and is a child-inclusive mediator. There is a plain honesty in her manner and she exudes confidence.’
‘Victoria Walker is an up-and-coming mediator who is developing a good style and creating solid outcomes for couples.’
‘This is a strong and leading mediation practice. Karen Barham is at the forefront of mediation, and is innovative, adaptable and she thinks laterally and creatively. The practice will offer in person mediation, hybrid mediation, work with solicitors involved, or remotely, depending on what is needed.’
‘Charlotte Millard is amazing. Extremely knowledgeable and passionate about what she does.’
Work highlights
Osbornes‘ team of six trained mediators was bolstered in 2023 by the addition of Lauren Hall from Russell-Cooke LLP and Yael Selig from legacy firm Axiom Ince. ‘Exceptional mediator’ Lisa Pepper is ‘at the top of her game‘, heading the team and often mediating for high-net-worth individuals in both financial and private children matters, offering shuttle and remote mediation options alongside standard face-to-face meetings. Bridget Thompson handles child inclusive mediations, while Selig regularly supports clients in cross jurisdictional UK–Spanish matters. Consultant David Leadercramer is also recommended.
Practice head(s):
Lisa Pepper
Other key lawyers:
Bridget Thompson; Lauren Hall; Andrew Watson; Mark Freedman; Yael Selig; David Leadercramer
‘I frequently recommend Lisa Pepper with no hesitation as she is obviously at the top of her game in terms of the law, but also as a mediator, she has the instinct needed to help clients move forward. Excellent client skills.’
‘Lisa Pepper is an outstanding mediator with a reputation for resolving even the most complex disputes’
‘The mediation team at Osbornes provides excellent mediation services to its clients. They have streamlined onboarding and can see clients quickly. A wealth of legal knowledge and specialism enhances the skills of the mediators.’
‘Lisa Pepper is an exceptional mediator. Her mediation skills are outstanding and enable her to resolve even the most complex and confrontational cases. She has a calm, empathetic but no nonsense approach that produces results for clients. Lisa’s substantial insight into financial disputes involving high-net-worth individuals is where her skills lie. Her non-judgemental approach quickly gains parties’ trust, and her impressive legal expertise ensures all aspects are carefully considered.’
‘Osbornes are a hugely impressive firm offering excellent strength in depth in the services they offer their clients. Their mediation team is particularly impressive, not least for the knowledge base of their solicitor mediators who are hugely well respected as both solicitors and mediators. It means that clients attending mediation with Osbornes will be able to find someone who has the right knowledge and experience to unlock the most complex or contentious issues.’
‘Lisa Pepper at Osbornes is an excellent lawyer mediator. She is approachable, calm, unflappable and engaging. I would trust her to mediate on any case and she instils confidence in clients that they will reach an outcome with her. Her demeanour cuts through conflict and creates a positive environment in which clients struggle not to settle.’
‘Lisa Pepper is an experienced, tried, tested and trusted mediator. She gets results and her success rate at achieving a settlement through mediation is unrivalled.’
‘Lisa Pepper has an excellent mediation practice, acting for a range of individuals and with a great manner with clients.’
Work highlights
Withers LLP
The mediation practice within Withers LLP's family team is spearheaded by Suzanne Todd, who is sought after for her expertise in Italian cases. Diana Parker
's longstanding mediation experience is bolstered by her qualification as a family arbitrator. Along with Claire Blakemore, Parker has developed the firm’s ‘Uncouple’ offering, combining mediation and arbitration to minimise conflict and find common ground for separating couples. The team often handles matters for high-profile clients, and emphasises privacy, acting in both financial and children-related mediation.
Practice head(s):
Suzanne Todd
Other key lawyers:
Claire Blakemore; Diana Parker; Adele Pledger
‘Withers have one of the leading family teams in London, supported by trust, tax and other private client support teams of the highest quality. A stand out firm for HNWs.’
‘Suzanne Todd is exceptional. She leads a strong team and is a fabulous mediator who can get to the heart of an issue and resolve it, seamlessly, for clients. She is wise, experienced and fantastic to work with.’
‘The mediators in this team are very good mediators but also amongst the best lawyers in the country, so clients get the best of all worlds; skilled mediators to help them discuss options but also legal knowledge.’
‘Claire Blakemore and Suzanne Todd are top of their game and the clients I refer to them report back that they are very happy with them. They are practical, sensible and also very personable so clients are put at ease which is incredibly important in mediation.’
Work highlights
Burgess Mee
Burgess Mee fields an experienced team of five mediators, including team head Peter Burgess, who mediates in cases involving both finances and children and he also offers hybrid mediation. Burgess and David Lillywhite are described as ‘exceptionally bright lawyers who are hard working and meticulous‘. Lillywhite has particular expertise in cases involving controlling behaviour, specifically financial control.
Practice head(s):
Peter Burgess
Other key lawyers:
David Lillywhite; Henrietta Thomas; Kirsty Morris; Ffion Greenfield
‘They punch above their weight and compete with the top city firms.’
‘Peter Burgess and David Lillywhite are exceptionally bright lawyers who are hard working and meticulous.’
‘They quickly get the parties to focus on the nub of the issues and where agreements are reached, these are comprehensively recorded with all points covered, which reduces the likelihood of later disagreements.’
Work highlights
Edward Cooke Family Law
Edward Cooke Family Law operates out of Chichester and Brighton, working broadly across London and the South East. It handles high-value financial disputes, complex children matters, and has an established surrogacy and fertility team. Firm founder Edward Cooke is experienced in hybrid and traditional mediation, and is particularly praised for his work as a child-inclusive mediator. Lauren Guy mediates alongside her leading fertility and surrogacy work, while Michelle Lewis is a go-to for children matters.
Practice head(s):
Edward Cooke
Other key lawyers:
Lauren Guy; Michelle Lewis
‘Edward Cooke is quite simply brilliant. He is really personable and clients trust him. He is also always available to me, as counsel, and is excellent in terms of thinking through the strategy on a case. He is, in addition, an extremely experienced mediator and will try to divert cases into a more amicable process if possible which is very valuable for clients.’
‘Lauren Guy is excellent and has a specialism in assisted reproduction and surrogacy. I would not hesitate to recommend her to clients for this area of work as she is an expert.’
‘Edward Cooke was a hybrid mediator on a case with me and he was fantastic. He dealt with the mediation in a sensitive and strategic way which resulted in an agreed outcome in a very acrimonious case. I do not hesitate in recommending him as a mediator. He is also an experienced and reasonable opponent.’
‘Mediators with a focus and specialism on ADR. The team are excellent at providing a range of out of court solicitors including collaborative lawyer and hybrid mediation.’
Goodman Ray
The team at Goodman Ray is ‘exceptionally strong’, boasting mediation experience from team head Trudi Featherstone, who is recommended for her ‘optimum blend of sensibility and empathy’ and mediating across both finance and children issues, traditionally and in a shuttle format. ‘Technically brilliant with a fine attention to detail’, London and Brighton based Thomas Brownrigg is Family Mediation Council accredited and qualified to meet with children in the mediation process. He is particularly recommended for cohabitation and modern family cases.
Other key lawyers:
Trudi Featherstone; Thomas Brownrigg
‘Trudi Featherstone is fantastic; she really cares about her clients.’
‘Thomas Brownrigg is a stand out family lawyer for finance and children disputes. Very good with cohabitation and modern family cases. Technically brilliant with a fine attention to detail. Tremendous lateral thinker. Extremely good at negotiation. Always popular with clients. Very good at difficult, challenging and acrimonious mediation cases.’
‘Trudi Featherstone is known for her wisdom and thoroughness. A very experienced and accomplished mediator.’
‘Thomas Brownrigg is a good family mediator who is dedicated to his clients.’
‘The team is exceptionally strong and respected across all areas of family law.’
‘Trudi Featherstone provides strong, sensible and no-nonsense advice. She is forward thinking and respected by her peers. As an experienced mediator, she has the optimum blend of sensibility and empathy, enabling her to navigate clients through their often complex emotional influences. She expertly guides the clients through the mediation process and will find some common ground.’
‘Trudi Featherstone is a fantastic mediator. Patient, kind, and supportive, she helps her clients to feel heard as well as to focus on how to reach agreements where possible.��
‘Trudi Featherstone and Thomas Brownrigg are very personable and knowledgeable, and are able to guide their clients with NCDR principles to a reasoned and fair result.’
Work highlights
Jones Nickolds
‘Star mediator' Rachel Woodd at Jones Nickolds, undertakes integrated and shuttle mediation for both financial and children matters, often assisting parties who struggle to communicate. Woodd is noted for her ‘strong collaborative ethos at the heart of every case’, and recommended for ‘difficult and complex cases with multiple parties’.
Other key lawyers:
Rachel Woodd
‘Rachel Woodd is a star mediator. She has vast experience, detailed knowledge and huge empathy; the perfect combination for a mediator.’
‘Rachel Woodd is a go-to mediator. She mediates some of the more difficult and complex cases with multiple parties and manages to mastermind some of the most complex law and personalities. If you want a mediator at the very top of their career and if you want a resolution, then Rachel is your mediator.’
‘Rachel Woodd is unflappable and has a strong collaborative ethos at the heart of every case. She offers her client pragmatic, no-nonsense advice while powerfully advocating the clients case to the opposition.’
‘Jones Nickolds is an excellent and very well-regarded boutique, offering a central London service in Kent.’
‘Rachel Woodd is one of the finest and most skilled mediators of her generation. She is empathetic and effective and one of only a very small number of solicitors to actually practice routinely as a mediator as well as a solicitor.’
‘A long-established and respected outer-London boutique.’
‘Rachel Woodd is one of the few go-to mediators in London. Very adept with outstanding inter-personal and client management skills and incredibly emotionally intelligent. She is able to completely reverse negativity and work wonders.’
‘The mediation team at Jones Nickolds is very experienced, both as mediators and as solicitors. They are approachable, hard working, great value, have a detailed knowledge of the law and huge knowledge and experience on how to conduct mediations and assist parties to reach an agreement that works for all.’
Work highlights
Laurus' mediation service is headed by Family Mediation Council accredited William Hogg, ‘an exceptional mediator’ who ‘adapts his approach to each case‘, offering hybrid, shuttle, and co-mediation. He is also qualified to meet with children in the mediation process. The team grew to three mediators in October 2024 with the arrival of Jacqueline Fitzgerald from Grosvenor Law, often co-mediating with Hogg alongside Ingrid Starcic in complex and high-value matters, often with cross-border elements. ‘They offer the highest level of support for clients’ across both financial and children disputes.
Practice head(s):
William Hogg
Other key lawyers:
Ingrid Starcic; Jacqueline Fitzgerald
‘Laurus law is an exceptional team of mediators. William Hogg is experienced, professional and client focused. He combines a direct style with a therapeutic approach. His approach is incredibly effective.’
‘William Hogg is an exceptional mediator supported by an efficient but sensitive team. He is always my mediator of choice.’
‘As a firm, they are committed to ensuring that their clients are able to identify and benefit from the right approach to discussions and negotiations to achieve the best outcome for them. They offer the highest level of support for clients.’
Work highlights
Levison Meltzer Pigott
The team at Levison Meltzer Pigott, which offers ‘the full range of process options from mediation to some truly exceptional litigation‘, is spearheaded by Simon Pigott. ‘Clear headed and vastly knowledgeable‘, Pigott is ‘top of his field for complex financial mediation’. Kate Stovold is another notable name with a developing mediation practice.
Practice head(s):
Simon Pigott
Other key lawyers:
Kate Stovold
‘LMP are a small but talented team. They have some great cases and are able to offer the full range of process options from mediation to some truly exceptional litigation.’
‘Simon Pigott is an exceptional individual. He has been around long enough to know all of the tricks of the game. He is a first-rate litigator but has the rare talent of being able to move effortlessly into the role of mediator and peacemaker. He has some of the best cases in both.’
‘Simon Pigott is very clear headed and vastly knowledgeable. Excellent skills as mediator in establishing trust and innovative solutions.’
‘The team are responsive and personable.’
‘Simon Pigott is top of his field for complex financial mediation. He is our first port of call for clients for whom mediation is suitable.’
‘Simon Pigott has a deserved legendary reputation in the field of mediation. He is a superb mediator, ensuring he has an ability to resolve even the most intractable disagreements between the most challenging individuals. He is the ‘go-to’ person for mediation.’
‘Simon Pigott is the go-to mediator for complex financial remedy work. He is a class act. He is insightful, highly skilled and a leader in the field of family law mediation.’
Work highlights
Thomson Snell & Passmore
Joanna Pratt heads the family department at Thomson Snell & Passmore, a Kent-based team offering a range of mediation options. ‘Outstanding mediator’ Kirstie Law is Family Mediation Council accredited, able to offer mediation information and assessment meetings and qualified to meet with children as part of the mediation process. Desmond O’Donnell has experience with cross jurisdictional US and UK matters, and is qualified in California both as a lawyer and a mediator.
Practice head(s):
Joanna Pratt
Other key lawyers:
Kirstie Law; Desmond O’Donnell
‘Thomson Snell & Passmore has an outstanding reputation in the South East and has an excellent family law team. A firm you can trust and is collaborative to work alongside. An all round solid practice, with lovely people to work alongside.’
‘Kirstie Law is an outstanding mediator, her breadth of experience in family law provides a solid foundation for mediating clients through difficult situation. Kirstie is practical and able to encourage an outcome. An excellent go-to mediator.’
‘Kirstie Law is an excellent lawyer and highly competent mediator achieving positive outcomes for her clients.’