Firms To Watch: Public law

Andersen strengthened its public law offering in January 2023 with the recruitment of practice head Patrícia Vinagre e Silva from GPA – Gouveia Pereira, Costa Freitas & Associados, who advises on matters related to European funds, public procurement, and administrative litigation.
Founded in 2023 with public law specialist Mafalda Carmona at the forefront, Lobo Carmona e Associados excels in public procurement and related dispute resolution.
Pérez-Llorca‘s Lisbon-based public and regulatory law practice was established in January 2024 following the arrival of Adolfo Mesquita Nunes and Débora Melo Fernandes from Gama Glória, who bring a wealth of experience in public policy, procurement and administrative litigation.

Firms in the Spotlight Public law

AAMM Law Firm

AAMM Law Firm logo

Abecasis, Moura Marques & Associates, Law Firm was founded in 2012 by two eminent lawyers: José Filipe Abecasis and Paulo de Moura Marques. The firm is widely recognised for its high level of specialization in public law with a particular focus on key industry sectors. It is also recognized for the excellence, rigour and innovation …

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Public law in Portugal

Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados

Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados’s ‘exemplary’ practice is well positioned to assist with the gamut of public law mandates, from administrative and constitutional law issues, to public procurement and sector-specific regulatory matters, covering the telecoms, water, logistics, transport and energy segments. The team is also skilled in urban planning and environmental law, and continues to play a key role in high-profile judicial litigation, arbitration and administrative disputes. Margarida Olazabal Cabral is an authority on administrative and public procurement law, while Pedro Costa Gonçalves possesses specialised knowledge of public contracting and related regulations. Nuno Peres Alves offers expertise in administrative law, public procurement, and litigation, and Diana Ettner concentrates on environmental licensing, regulatory issues, and administrative litigation.

Other key lawyers:

Nuno Peres Alves; Margarida Olazabal Cabral; Pedro Costa Gonçalves; Miguel Nogueira de Brito; Diana Ettner; Vasco Xavier Mesquita


‘The team of lawyers has a lot of knowledge and technical competence.’

‘Margarida Olazabal Cabral has in-depth knowledge of the laws and a lot of experience.’

‘Miguel Nogueira de Brito has in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge, understanding his clients’ industries well.’

‘They show availability, flexibility, professionalism, subject matter expertise, and commitment.’

‘Margarida Olazabal Cabral has deep knowledge of the subjects, the local legal system, and the sector.’

‘Vasco Xavier Mesquita provides top quality support and excellent quality advice, making us feel like a truly valued client.’

‘Morais Leitão is exemplary in ​​public law, standing out for the excellence of its services and the exceptional capabilities of its team, which includes specialists in administrative and regulatory law.’

Sérvulo & Associados

Guided by ‘excellence and quality’, Sérvulo & Associados’s public law practice excels across sectors such as healthcare, aviation, transport, water and waste management, environment, and energy. The team is jointly led by capable practitioners: Rui Medeiros, who focuses on constitutional and administrative law, public procurement, and related disputes; João Amaral e Almeida, who is proficient in public procurement, litigation, and legislative drafting; and Mark Kirkby, who often advises public entities on concessions and public-private partnerships (PPPs). They are supported by José Manuel Sérvulo Correia, distinguished for drafting legal opinions and arbitration; Duarte Rodrigues Silva and Paula Bordalo Faustino, both experts in public procurement procedures; and Francisca Mendes da Costa, whose strong skills in judicial proceedings, arbitration and PPPs are noteworthy. Ana Luísa Guimarães left the firm in February 2024.

Practice head(s):

Rui Medeiros; João Amaral e Almeida; Mark Kirkby

Other key lawyers:

António Cadilha; Duarte Rodrigues Silva; Pedro Fernández Sánchez; Francisca Mendes da Costa; Henrique Rodrigues da Silva; Paula Bordalo Faustino


‘The team is experienced and always accessible, with efficient results.’

‘Their strengths include availability, quality, and consistency.’

‘The service provided by Sérvulo is guided by excellence and quality. The team’s pragmatism is admirable.’

‘Mark Kirkby is an excellent professional, with whom we will definitely work with again.’

‘Duarte Rodrigues Silva brings technical knowledge and pragmatism.’

‘They are prompt, technically sound, and provide confidence in the responses and opinions issued.’

‘I highlight their diversity and availability in supporting clients, their knowledge and experience in the subjects, legal security transmitted, and success in cases.’

‘João Amaral e Almeida and Pedro Fernández Sánchez are knowledgeable and experienced in administrative law and public procurement. Henrique Rodrigues da Silva is knowledgeable and experienced in administrative litigation and public contracting.’

Key clients


EDP – Gestão da Produção de Energia, S.A.

Metropolitano de Lisboa, E.P.E.

SPMS – Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde, E.P.E.

Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P.

Commercial and Industrial Association of Funchal – Madeira Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACIF-CCIM)

Regional Secretary of Economy of the Autonomous Region of Madeira

APRAM – Administração dos Portos da Região Autónoma da Madeira, S.A.

TM.E. S.P.A – Termomeccanica Ecologia

SISAV – Sistema Integrado de Tratamento e Eliminação de Resíduos, S.A.

PLAM – Sociedade Geral de representações, Lda.

Metro do Porto

Municipality of Lisbon

Work highlights

  • Advised a consortium of private investors led by Barraqueiro on ‘Project Magellan’, the proposal for a new airport in Santarém.
  • Advised Metropolitano de Lisboa E.P.E. on the expansion of Lisbon’s underground, preparing and launching procurement for six work contracts and inspections.
  • Advised ACIF-CCIM on the establishment of an Arbitration Centre, drafting bylaws, regulations, and overseeing the approval process by the Ministry of Justice, leading to its authorisation through Order No. 4608/2023.


VdA stands out for its sector-specific acumen, notably in banking, telecoms, healthcare, energy, and infrastructure. Led by Paulo Pinheiro and Rodrigo Esteves de Oliveira, the ‘exceptional team’ is a go-to adviser for public concessionaires and service licensees seeking guidance in public procurement, dispute resolution and privatisation procedures. Co-head Pinheiro, 'an unmissable name in the market', excels in administrative litigation and concessions in Portugal and Angola, while fellow co-leader Esteves de Oliveira handles concessions, litigation, and public procurement with a particular focus on the banking and infrastructure sectors. Other key individuals include Ana Marta Castro, who often advises on public procurement, litigation, and privatisations in the defence and aviation segments, and Catarina Pinto Correia, whose broad expertise covers public procurement, regulatory and contentious matters.

Practice head(s):

Paulo Pinheiro; Rodrigo Esteves de Oliveira

Other key lawyers:

Ana Marta Castro; Catarina Pinto Correia; André Gaspar Martins; João Soares Franco; Marco Caldeira


‘VdA sets itself apart by approaching and serving clients in a warm and almost familial manner, while still maintaining the highest standards of rigour and professionalism.’

‘Ana Marta Castro’s competence, availability, empathy and permanent search for the best solutions gave us an unparalleled sense of security.’

‘VdA has an exceptional team at the technical, strategic and subject management levels. Paulo Pinheiro is an unmissable name in the market, combining technical solidity and sagacity with the ability to listen and meet the client’s objectives. ’

‘The VdA team is very experienced and complementary in all areas of public law.’

‘Paulo Pinheiro and André Gaspar Martins are particularly noteworthy.’

‘Excellent responsiveness, flexibility and quality of deliveries.’

‘Catarina Pinto Correia stands out for her legal knowledge, friendliness, professionalism, prestige and recognition.’

‘Paulo Pinheiro’s strengths include agility, availability, and client orientation, while Ana Marta Castro’s strengths include availability, delivery capacity, and strong work ethic.’

Key clients

Banco de Portugal

Vodafone Portugal – Comunicações Pessoais, S.A.

CTT – Correios de Portugal, S.A.

Portuguese Government

MEO – Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia, S.A.

Portuguese Government (Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economy) and Parpública

Tejo Energia, S.A.

Águas de Portugal Group

ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal, S.A.

Finerge, S.A.

Group EGF – Environment Global Facilities

SATA Air Açores, S.A. and Azores Regional Government


Ferrovial Construccion| ACA – Alberto Couto Alves S.A.

Novartis Farma

Solverde – Sociedade de Investimentos Turísticos da Costa Verde, S.A.

Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles, S.A.

Biogen MA Inc. and Biogen Portugal – Sociedade Farmacêutica, Unipessoal, Lda.

Rubis Energia Portugal

Sociedade Francisco Manuel dos Santos (SFPS) / Blue Ocean Foundation

Work highlights

  • Advised Banco de Portugal and Fundo de Resolução on legal proceedings related to Banco Espírito Santo’s 2014 resolution, including senior debt retransfer, Novo Banco’s sale, and related state aid challenges before the European Union’s General Court.
  • Provides regular legal assistance to Vodafone in all major public law matters as well as in administrative litigation cases.
  • Assisting CTT with the execution of the postal service concession agreement with the Portuguese State, including arbitral litigation, regulatory issues, and administrative procedures involving the regulator ANACOM.


Cuatrecasas‘s ‘competent and rigorous’ team showcases deep proficiency in administrative litigation, banking resolution, and regulatory matters. The firm’s public law leadership is shared by Lourenço Vilhena De Freitas and Vasco Moura Ramos: Vilhena de Freitas brings a wealth of knowledge of public procurement and PPPs, with a particular focus on the infrastructure sector, while Moura Ramos is lauded for his strong track record in public law disputes and public contract advisory matters. Meanwhile, Duarte Abecasis, who focuses on the infrastructure and energy segments, regularly advises on public sector tendering and administrative disputes. The team expanded in January 2023 with the integration of SLCM | Serra Lopes, Cortes Martins & Associados, welcoming Marisa Mirador to further strengthen its public law capabilities.

Practice head(s):

Lourenço Vilhena de Freitas; Vasco Moura Ramos

Other key lawyers:

Duarte Abecasis; Marisa Mirador; Catarina Pinto Xavier


‘Cuatrecasas stands out for its solid knowledge of the public sector and its ability to proactively find solutions for implementing the proposed projects. The team also proved quick and very effective in the responses and solutions presented.’

‘Marisa Mirador is without a doubt one of the best lawyers in her area, with technical knowledge and creative and collaborative capacity with her clients. Without a doubt a lawyer to recommend.’

‘Competent and rigorous team in analysing topics. Rigorous consultancy aimed at satisfying client expectations.’

‘Marisa Mirador and Catarina Pinto Xavier provide very accurate legal counselling and consider the business landscape in which the company is.’

‘Marisa Mirador represents the new generation of partners that work hard together with their clients in order to provide best-in-class legal counselling. Catarina Pinto Xavier is a senior associate with high potential to grow due to her capacity to cooperate under high pressure with outstanding legal work.’

Key clients

Banco de Portugal (Bank of Portugal)

Auto-Estradas do Atlântico – Concessões Rodoviárias de Portugal

CP – Comboios de Portugal

Infraestruturas de Portugal/ IP Telecom

CTT – Correios de Portugal / The Portuguese State

A.S. – Empresa Das Águas De Santarém

APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S.A.

Group Transdev


Vila Real de Santo António

ANAC – Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority

Banco Comercial Português (BCP)

Beralt Tin and Wolfram (Portugal), S. A


Empark Group


Linde Healthcare

Lisnave – Estaleiros Navais, S.A.

Nutrinveste Group (Sovena/Elaias sub-groups)


SCC – Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas

Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Environment – Portuguese Animal Ombudsman

Sociedade Ponto Verde, S. A.


Madre Group

Work highlights

  • Represented the Portuguese State in the first arbitral proceeding under the Investment Protection Agreement between Portugal and Mauritius, initiated by foreign entities against Portugal.
  • Advising Auto-Estradas do Atlântico on daily legal matters relating to the concessionaire’s activities, including relationships with various stakeholders.
  • Providing legal advice to Group Transdev in several international public tenders regarding passenger transport services and in the implementation and execution of the contracts awarded.

Garrigues Portugal

With a significant presence in the energy and natural resources sectors, Garrigues Portugal delivers comprehensive legal guidance to clients seeking advice on the full range of public law mandates, from public procurement to litigation. The team is led by the ‘highly competent’ Lino Torgal, renowned for his public procurement, PPPs, PFI, and project finance acumen. Sought after by both public entities and private clients, Torgal is adept at navigating the regulatory landscapes of critical sectors such as utilities, water, waste, and telecoms.

Practice head(s):

Lino Torgal


‘The Garrigues public law team stands out for its quality and competence. The team balances tradition and innovation, resulting in effective legal solutions.’

‘Lino Torgal is able to deeply understand client needs and provide legal guidance aligned with business objectives. I would, without a doubt, recommend Lino Torgal as a highly competent professional in the area of ​​public law.’

‘The quality of the service provided is revealed by the personalised support of the team that monitors all our needs. Furthermore, the team’s specialised knowledge and the systematic presentation of solutions, without any constraints on the path indicated, set it apart in the market. More than specific innovations, availability and objective professionalism stand out in the national context.’

Key clients

Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém

Galp Energia, S.A.

EEM – Empresa de Eletricidade da Madeira

Águas do Porto, E.M.

Iberdrola generación S.A., unipersonal

The Navigator Company, S.A.

Start Campus

Stadler AG

Work highlights

  • Assisted Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém with a tender procedure relating to the award of the right to design and build a luxury hotel in CCB premises near Tagus River (Phase 2).
  • Advising EEM on all stages of a public tender for the execution of a battery central storage in the Island of Madeira.

Miranda & Associados

The public law and regulatory practice at Miranda & Associados demonstrates diverse capabilities, covering public procurement, administrative contracts, litigation and arbitration across a variety of sectors, most notably transport, ports, energy and utilities. Pedro Melo stands out for his proficiency in infrastructure concessions and PPPs, while Tiago Amorim shines in litigation and arbitration proceedings. Singled out for their in-depth knowledge of the energy and natural resources segments, Joao Rosado Correia and Nuno Antunes are adept in energy projects. Ricardo Alves Silva and Renato Guerra de Almeida, both of whom are qualified to practise in Portugal and East Timor, offer advice to both private companies and sovereign states. Sara Castelo Branco's strength lies in public procurement, energy matters and regulatory issues.

Practice head(s):

Pedro Melo; João Rosado Correia; Tiago Amorim; Nuno Antunes; Renato Guerra de Almeida; Ricardo Alves Silva; Luís Oliveira

Other key lawyers:

Sara Castelo Branco; Maria Ataíde Cordeiro


‘Miranda & Associados, in particular João Rosado Correia, Sara Castelo Branco and Maria Ataíde Tavares, provide high-quality services in the area of ​​public law.’

‘I highlight João Rosado Correia, Sara Castelo Branco and Maria Ataíde Tavares for their high technical quality and for the exceptional and dedicated way in which they follow matters. They demonstrate availability, flexibility and politeness at all times.’

‘I highlight partner Pedro Melo for his above-average intellectual capabilities and knowledge, client attention and proactive attitude.’

Key clients


AE Transmontana

AENL – Norte Litoral

AAVI – Via do Infante


Portuguese State / Secretary of State for Infrastructures

Boston Scientific

Démant Ibérica

Horários do Funchal

INCM (Portuguese National Mint, Assay and Security Printing Office)

SPMS (Shared Services Centre for the Health Ministry and NHS)

Beckman Coulter


Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (Lisbon Municipality)

REN Group

Galp Energia Group

Ascendi Group

Ventient Energy Group

Vinci Energies Portugal

Repsol Portuguesa, SA


Inapal Plásticos, SA (Teijin Group)


Legrand Eléctrica

CLC – Companhia Logística de Combustíveis, S.A.

Vinci Energies Portugal

ERSAR – Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos

Sotécnica – Sociedade Eletrotécnica, SA

Rotas do Algarve Litoral, S.A.

SCMA – Sociedade de Consultores Marítimos

IP – Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A.

M. Couto Alves, Group

Marfina, S.A.


The ‘excellent team’ at PLMJ adeptly advises a varied client base on public procurement, tender procedures, and related dispute resolution. Diogo Duarte Campos, recognised for his wide-ranging expertise, has helped high-profile clients navigate complex public law matters concerning PPPs and concession projects in the transport and energy sectors in Portugal and Lusophone Africa. Maria Zagallo is noted for her significant experience in public procurement, project finance, and concessions, with a particular focus on transport projects. Carla F. Machado is another key contact for public procurement procedures and regulatory issues.

Practice head(s):

Diogo Duarte Campos

Other key lawyers:

Maria Zagallo; Raquel Freitas; Tiago Duarte; Carla F. Machado; João Lamy da Fontoura


‘The team has excellent negotiation skills. The result of the work is above average.’

‘Diogo Duarte de Campos is very competent and very pragmatic. Carla F. Machado’s availability is unlimited.’

‘PLMJ’s public law team is extraordinary in every way, including the way it interacts with its clients, the strategies it proposes and applies, its technical and sector knowledge and, the way it defends the interests of its clients.’

‘Diogo Duarte de Campos is extraordinary in technical and market knowledge, as well as in defining and applying strategies, client support, and availability. His team, namely João Lamy da Fontoura and Carla F. Machado, are also extraordinary.’

‘This is an excellent team that responds immediately to requests. ’

‘Diogo Duarte Campos, Tiago Duarte and Carla F. Machado are lawyers with in-depth knowledge of the different areas of public law.’

‘An excellent team, very available, with proven results.’

‘The quality of the service provided is reflected in the availability, specialised knowledge and friendliness with which they respond to our requests and clarify our doubts.’

Key clients


Aer Rianta International

Ascendi Group


Cascais, Almada and Funchal Municipalities

Caixa Geral dos Depósitos



Grupo Altri

Impresa Group

LHEA Association for Lifelong Health Education

Microsoft Corporation

Nestlé Portugal





Elliot Advisors

Parkia Iniciativas S.L.U.



Manuel Couto Alves



West Sea


Siemens Healthcare

Work highlights

  • Advised the State of Cape Verde on the concession of all 4 international airports and 3 domestic airports.
  • Assisting Davidson Kempner with the acquisition of ECS’ restructuring funds.
  • Advising Elliot Advisors and SilverPoint Advisors, two international funds that invested in BES / Novo Banco, on their decision to launch an investor-state arbitration against Portugal.

Uría Menéndez

At Uría Menéndez, the team is commended for its ‘deep and solid knowledge of all areas of public law‘, including public contracts, privatisations, complex regulatory proceedings and public law litigation. The practice is led by Bernardo Diniz de Ayala, who is singled out for his deep expertise in public procurement, public law disputes, as well as public sector finance, and environmental law. Afonso Choon is distinguished for his proficiency in contentious matters and public procurement. With extensive experience in both contractual and litigious issues in the energy sector, João Louro e Costa often guides clients through privatisations and regulatory proceedings.

Practice head(s):

Bernardo Diniz de Ayala

Other key lawyers:

Afonso Choon; Gonçalo Andrade e Sousa; Mariana Viana Pedreira; João Louro e Costa


‘Bernardo Diniz de Ayala is a true leader and has a very good command of public law and litigation issues. Mariana Viana Pereira, associate, has demonstrated enormous technical capacity and a lot of good knowledge.’

‘The public law team has valuable technical know-how combined with a lot of practical experience. The lawyers are very quick in responding, available for occasional contact and flexible in terms of evaluating matters, allowing them to make complete assessments. ’

‘Bernardo Diniz de Ayala always brings a very pragmatic approach to the matters submitted to him, helping to achieve the best solutions. Afonso Choon stands out for his pragmatic and assertive approach.’

‘Very consistent and solid team, deep knowledge of the area, and a strong degree of specialisation.’

‘Bernardo Diniz de Ayala is a very present and knowledgeable partner. Gonçalo Andrade e Sousa is an excellent lawyer, and Mariana Viana Pedreira is a junior to watch.’

‘The team has deep and solid knowledge of all areas of public law, with a special focus on public procurement and projects.’

‘Bernardo Ayala is an excellent example for everyone; João Louro e Costa is exceptional and has comprehensive legal knowledge of the energy area; Afonso Choon has solid knowledge of public law (especially public procurement and administrative litigation), is dedicated, and searches for the best solutions.’

‘Mariana Viana Pedreira is an up-and-coming associate who runs the whole team. Hugely impressive.’

Key clients

Banco Santander

Euroscut Açores (Cintra-Ferrovial Group)

European Investment Bank (EIB)

JCDecaux S.A.

Avincis (formerly Babcock)

XAIA Investment



Reyal Urbis, S.A.

Growing Spring – Investimentos Imobiliários e Turísticos, S.A.

Work highlights

  • Advising Euroscut Açores (Cintra-Ferrovial Group) on the financial rebalance procedure of its Açores motorway concession.
  • Advising JCDecaux on an injunction filed against a merger control decision from the Portuguese Competition Authority.
  • Representing Avincis (formerly Babcock) in several public law matters, including administrative, judicial and arbitration proceedings.

Abreu Advogados

Abreu Advogados excels in guiding clients through the nuances of infrastructure projects, public tenders, concessions, and PPPs, ensuring regulatory compliance. José Eduardo Martins, co-head of the public law practice, is esteemed for his expertise in environmental and industrial licensing, carbon emissions trading management, and public procurement in the water and waste management segments. Fellow co-leader Manuel de Andrade Neves handles public procurement, particularly in cutting-edge sectors like telecoms, defence, and healthcare, as well as traditional fields such as environmental management, water, and energy.

Practice head(s):

José Eduardo Martins; Manuel Andrade Neves

Other key lawyers:

Mafalda Teixeira de Abreu; Tiago Corrêa do Amaral; Ana Simões Ferreira; Raquel Barroso


‘Abreu Advogados has been extremely effective and efficient, with high standards of professionalism.’

‘The service provided was remarkable. The team showed an unusual ability to understand the practical issues in question, and solutions were usually found in a short time and always creative.’

‘In the area of ​​public procurement, Ana Simões Ferreira has always shown herself to be creative, rigorous, available, and speedy.’

‘The team demonstrates specific technical knowledge in the environment area.’

‘José Eduardo Martins and Raquel Barroso stand out for their very practical approach to subjects, without neglecting the theoretical aspects.’

‘Raquel Barroso brings professionalism, humility, and simplicity. Raquel is easy to work with.’

‘Abreu Advogados stands out for its technical excellence, commitment to the client, and focus on innovation. Its team of highly specialised lawyers provide high-quality services, adapted to the individual needs of each client. ’

‘José Eduardo Martins stands out for his vast experience and knowledge in the area of ​​environmental law. He has in-depth analytical capabilities, strategic vision and the ability to provide creative and effective legal solutions to clients.’

Key clients

Ae Energy

Alsa/National Express

Associação de Municípios da Região do Planalto Beirão

Apera – Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Resíduos e Ambiente

Chint Solar Portugal Projects B.V.

Cintra Portugal / Euroscut Açores

Copenhagen Offshore Partners

Efrican Foundation

Embraer Portugal S.A.



Group Air Liquide

Grupo Aquaterra

Iberdrola Generación

MEC Consulting Associates, S.A.


Novo Verde

Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas

Patentes Talgo


Recivalongo – Gestão de Resíduos, Lda.

Ren Trading

Resilei – Tratamento de Resíduos Industriais, S.A.

SECIL – Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento S.A.


The Navigator Company


Work highlights

  • Assisted Iberdrola Generación with its major projects in Portugal, including three large dam projects in Tâmega for 1.200MW.
  • Advised Copenhagen Offshore Partners on its offshore wind-farm project (6 GW) in Portugal.
  • Assisted ALSA / Nex Continental with two public tenders launched by the Área Metropolitana de Lisboa and the Área Metropolitana do Porto.

Albuquerque & Almeida

Under the leadership of Alexandre De Albuquerque, the ‘professional’ Albuquerque & Almeida public law group handles concession negotiations, administrative disputes, tender procedures, and privatisations, with a specialisation in public procurement within the defence and ports sectors. Ivan Roque Duarte complements the team’s expertise by advising energy and agriculture sector clients on a spectrum of public law issues. Municipalities regularly turn to Diana Silveira for assistance with contentious and non-contentious matters.

Practice head(s):

Alexandre de Albuquerque

Other key lawyers:

Ivan Roque Duarte; Diana Silveira


‘Alexandre de Albuquerque is competent and transparent.’

‘Albuquerque & Almeida has been vital to the development of our project by resolving all the obstacles that have been presented to us and helping us deal with licensing bureaucracy.’

‘Ivan Roque Duarte has done an excellent job and there is no flaw to point out.’

‘The team is professional, rigorous, and meets deadlines.’

‘Ivan Roque Duarte is completely available and knowledgeable about all the topics we bring to him.’

‘The team brings together a range of technical knowledge that allows it to monitor any public law matter with the highest quality. The team is robust enough to provide responses very quickly, always combined with great technical quality.’

‘Alexandre de Albuquerque is a leading name in the area of water concessions. His vast experience in monitoring these matters and in-depth technical knowledge give the client unparalleled security and confidence.’

‘Their up-to-date training, combined with an innovative mindset, has been a key factor in resolving complex cases. These professionals are constantly looking for more efficient ways to serve clients, and their proactivity is highly valued.’

Key clients

ETE Group

Go Fit Life Science and Technology, Lda.

APERLU – Associação Portuguesa dos Empregadores de Resíduos de Limpeza Urbana

CREST Capital Partners

Municipality of Coimbra

Freguesia de Estrela

Setefrete Group

CEPSA – Portuguesa Petróleos S.A

GALP Energia Group

Parque Escolar, EPE

Value One Holding AG/ Milestone

Grupo Bondalti

ABB Portugal

Factory GmbH

Citago – Produção Agrícola, Lda

Freguesia de Alvalade

Freguesia de São Domingos de Benfica

Logofruits, LDA

UCASUL – União De Cooperativas Agrícolas

Circuito do Sol

Sá Limpa – Facility Services, LDA

Olivocarvalheira – Sociedade Agrícola, LDA

VBB, Unipessoal, LDA

Work highlights

  • Advised CV Interilhas on matters related to the inter-island maritime transport of cargo and passengers in Cabo Verde.
  • Assisting the Municipality of Coimbra on a regular basis in several planning and construction matters.
  • Acted for Galp Group on a regular basis in a wide range of matters, spanning public law, urban planning and concessions.


Noted for its 'wide-ranging expertise', the Lisbon-based public law team at CMS advises clients on a range of administrative and constitutional law issues in the energy, environmental and infrastructure sectors, including public procurement, PPPs, privatisations, and public contracts. The team is directed by administrative law expert Gonçalo Guerra Tavares, who excels in public procurement and contentious matters, including administrative litigation and arbitration. António Magalhães e Menezes showcases further strength advising public and private entities on tender processes for energy and transport projects.

Practice head(s):

Gonçalo Guerra Tavares

Other key lawyers:

António Magalhães e Meneze; Duarte Lebre de Freitas


‘CMS maintains good communication with clients, has good availability, and provides excellent service.’

‘CMS has wide-ranging expertise, allowing them to provide specific as well as multidisciplinary advice.’

‘In the public law team, Gonçalo Guerra Tavares and António Magalhães e Menezes are notable.’

‘CMS stands out for the direct contact relationship with the client and specialisation in public procurement. It is important to highlight the proven experience and specialisation of team members, particularly in resolving complex matters. It is also worth highlighting the level of commitment to the client.

‘I would highlight Gonçalo Guerra Tavares and António Magalhães e Menezes. What I consider distinguishes both are their high ethical standards, where transparency, honesty and integrity stand out in all professional interactions; ability to analyse and propose effective and efficient solutions when faced with complex challenges; communication skills; quick understanding of the client’s needs; and the provision of personalised solutions.’

Key clients

Navegação Aérea de Portugal – NAV Portugal, E.P.E.

Accenture, Consultores de Gestão, S.A.

FCR C2 MedCapital

Datamars Iberica S.L.U.

Tulotero APP SL

Graviner Construções, S.A.

Agência de Gestão da Tesouraria e da Dívida Pública – IGCP, E.P.E.

Goldman Sachs International

Vinci Energies, S.A.

REN Group

Endesa – Energia, Sucursal em Portugal

MOP – Multimédia Outdoors Portugal



Knorr-Bremse España, S.A.

Cascais Envolvente – Gestão Social da Atuação, E.M., S.A.

ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal S.A.

Beckman Coulter

Município de Oeiras

Inspire Capital Atlantic – Sociedade de Investimento e Consultadoria, Lda

Futrifer, S.A.

Ricoh, S.A.

Work highlights

  • Advised Goldman Sachs on administrative proceedings related to the resolution of BES and the decision of the Bank of Portugal to transfer back to BES the loan extended by Oak Finance.
  • Advising NAV Portugal EPE on its public procurement strategy and manual.
  • Advising MOP – Multimédia Outdoors Portugal on several litigation proceedings concerning a public tender and an advertising platforms concession in Lisbon.


Showcasing strong capabilities in public procurement and regulatory matters in the energy, telecoms and healthcare segments, Linklaters is well positioned to advise an array of clients on the negotiation and execution of public contracts. The firm’s public law practice is overseen by Maria de Athayde Tavares, whose expertise in PPP projects and concession contracts spans the transport, healthcare, and water and waste sectors. She has a well-established track record of advising a broad range of clients, including sponsors and lenders, in transactions in highly regulated sectors.

Practice head(s):

Maria de Athayde Tavares

Other key lawyers:

Isabela Moraes Sarmento

Key clients

CRRC Tangshan Co. Ltd.

Luz Saúde, S.A. (Fosun Group)

AGS – Administração e Gestão de Sistemas de Salubridade, S.A.




Work highlights

  • Advising CRRC Tangshan on rail and light-rail tenders in Portugal, including the implementation and execution of agreements.

PRA-Raposo, Sá Miranda & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados RL

PRA-Raposo, Sá Miranda & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados RL represents both contractors and bidders in public tenders, and helps clients navigate the complexities of public law disputes that emerge from these processes. The department’s expertise extends to managing arbitration proceedings related to the performance of public contracts. The administrative law and public procurement group is jointly led by David Coelho and Noel Gomes, who are noted for their regular collaborations with government agencies and bodies.

Practice head(s):

David Coelho; Noel Gomes

Other key lawyers:

Sérgio Alves; Joana Freitas Peixoto


‘The availability and professionalism of lawyers in different cases is one of the highlights of the firm.’

‘Sérgio Alves met our expectations in a public procurement matter and always informed us of all events and steps to be taken.’

‘The law firm PRA-Raposo, Sá Miranda & Associados has a vast and specialised team, with comprehensive knowledge of environmental law and public procurement.’

‘Noel Gomes stands out for his level of humility and cordiality. He is pragmatic and able to make legal proceedings more accessible.’

‘Joana Freitas Peixoto is notable for the attitude and determination she puts into the processes, as well as her openness to solutions and discussion.’

SRS Legal

SRS Legal offers guidance in regulatory compliance, public procurement, concessions, PPPs, and dispute resolution across various industries, including ports, infrastructure, transport, and energy. The public law team is co-led by José Luís Moreira da Silva, who brings ‘considerable experience’ in the infrastructure and transport segments, excelling in PPP/PFI arrangements and administrative disputes. Fellow co-head Alexandre Roque is lauded for the ‘excellent quality of the services’ he provides to a range of private and public sector clients, particularly in the areas of infrastructure projects, public procurement, and urban planning.

Practice head(s):

José Luís Moreira da Silva; Alexandre Roque

Other key lawyers:

Raquel Sampaio; João Filipe Graça


‘José Luís Moreira da Silva has considerable experience in this area.’

‘The SRS public law team is an excellent team with which we have worked for several years, standing out from other law firms for the quality of its professionals, legal and sector knowledge, customer service and collaboration.’

‘Alexandre Roque stands out for the excellent quality of the services provided, pragmatism of the solutions presented, ability to constantly adapt to challenges, permanent availability, trust and responsibility.’

Key clients

Lisbon Port Authority (APL)

Setúbal and Sesimbra Port Authority (APSS)

Sines Port Authority (APS)


NOS Group

ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação



Regional Government of Madeira





Be Water


Municipality of Oporto








GMF Railway






FCCB – Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém

Municipalised Services of Castelo Branco

Work highlights

  • Advised Nex Continental (ALSA) on multiple international open procedures worth approximately €400m for the concession of public road passenger transport services operation and maintenance.
  • Acted for ACCIONA in an arbitration against ARS Alentejo concerning the construction contract for the new Alentejo Central Hospital in Évora.
  • Advised the Oporto Municipality on multiple litigation cases related to the international tender for the city’s advertising concession.


Led by Nuno Azevedo Neves, the public law group at DLA Piper ABBC offers expert counsel to domestic and international financial institutions, companies, and public entities, with a particular focus on regulated sectors. Bruno Soares Ferreira specialises in administrative law, advising clients on contentious matters and procurement, while Mariana Ricardo’s expertise lies in life sciences regulation, specifically concerning medicinal products and medical devices.

Practice head(s):

Nuno Azevedo Neves

Other key lawyers:

Bruno Soares Ferreira; Mariana Ricardo


‘The team went above and beyond, were collaborative, and offered additional services to facilitate a quick resolution.’

‘DLA Piper ABBC teams have the ability to understand specificities and adjust legal solutions to them.’

‘Bruno Soares Ferreira has unquestionable and incomparable competence in this area.’

‘Mariana Ricardo is a star. She is conscientious, concise and most importantly understands the client’s instructions and objectives. Her work delivers exactly what is required.’

‘The public department, most notably Mariana Ricardo, is able to take into consideration very tight deadlines while providing very good advice in all public procurement and regulatory matters.’

‘Mariana Ricardo has in-depth knowledge of public procurement and pharmaceutical law, providing very valuable legal advice. She demonstrates a very high level of professional competence.’

Key clients

ICA – Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual

Lasi Eletrónica

Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM)

IACA (Portuguese Association of Manufacturers of Compound Animal Feed)

Canadian Solar

Super Bock




Volkswagen Group Services



ICA – Indústria e Comércio Alimentar, S. A

Logista Transportes, Transitários Pharma



L3Harris Technologies, Inc., and (“L3Harris”) and Escola de Aviação Aerocondor S.A. (“EAA”).

SIGMA Campofrio

Work highlights

  • Advised Tesla on energy regulations, corporate law issues and electricity sector regulatory and licensing issues.
  • Assisted Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM) with the framework for COVID-19 diagnostic testing, the obligation to register with the Health Regulatory Authority and agreements with private and public bodies.
  • Advised LogPay on an assessment of the Portuguese e-mobility market, including the legal framework regarding the supply of electricity and the operation of charging points.

Eversheds Sutherland

Eversheds Sutherland supports clients with public works contracts, supply agreements, licensing, and environmental law issues, while also offering pre-litigation and dispute resolution services. The public law team is under the leadership of Miguel Lorena Brito, who shines in public procurement and related contentious matters, and Paula Teixeira da Cruz, who has in-depth knowledge of administrative and regulatory law mandates.

Practice head(s):

Miguel Lorena Brito; Paula Teixeira da Cruz

Other key lawyers:

João Rocha Almeida


‘Miguel Lorena Brito and João Rocha Almeida both have high technical competence and a clear perception of the client’s needs.’

Key clients

Bioenergy, S.A.

AZPO – Azeites de Portugal, S.A.



Tecnovia and Tecnovia Madeira

Novo Banco

MAN Truck & Bus

Agrícola Vale de Poente





Trofa Saúde

RENTOKIL Initial Portugal – Serviços de Protecção Ambiental

TotalEnergies Renewables

Gómez-Acebo & Pombo

Gómez-Acebo & Pombo assists clients with administrative procedures, concession agreements, and public tenders, showcasing particular strength in infrastructure projects. At the helm of the public law practice is Ricardo Campos, who brings extensive expertise in administrative and regulatory law, handling both non-contentious matters and arbitrations. Sofia Rodrigues Nunes possesses substantial experience in urban planning, environmental law, and regulatory issues. Ana Luísa Guimarães joined from Sérvulo & Associados in February 2024.

Practice head(s):

Ricardo Campos; Ana Luísa Guimarães

Other key lawyers:

Sofia Rodrigues Nunes


‘I have absolute trust in the team.’

‘Ricardo Campos is professional and always available.’

Key clients

Acciona Construcción

Casais Engenharia, S.A

SPCare, Lda

Teixeira Duarte, S.A., Bento Pedroso Construções, S.A., Zagope, S.A, and Alves Ribeiro, S.A

Work highlights

  • Advised Acciona Construccíon on the public contract for the construction of the new headquarters of Oeiras City Hall.
  • Advised Acciona Construcción on the public tender for the construction of the new Alentejo Central Hospital.
  • Advised Teixeira Duarte, S.A., Bento Pedroso Construções, S.A., Zagope, S.A, and Alves Ribeiro, S.A on the Baixo Tejo road concession contract.

pbbr - Sociedade de Advogados RL

The team at pbbr - Sociedade de Advogados RL is well versed in administrative law matters and related litigation, often providing key insights to private investors on public law concerns arising from real estate transactions. Practice head Tânia Ferreira Osório specialises in administrative litigation and public procurement, including contract and concession execution. Joana Magalhães Silva complements the practice with her expertise in health regulations, environmental law and public contracts.

Practice head(s):

Tânia Ferreira Osório

Other key lawyers:

Joana Magalhães Silva


‘pbbr is a client-focused firm with a good spirit of collaboration.’

‘Excellent professionals, very available.’

‘The lawyers are always available, experienced, have a wide perspective, and are fast to understand the issues under analysis. They work seamlessly as a team.’

‘Tânia Ferreira Osório is always available, very fast in her analysis, fair, and also performs an advisory role. Clever, sensible and also great to work with.’

‘pbbr’s differentiating factor is the clear way in which they can communicate legally complex matters and the ability to understand their clients’ problems.’

Key clients

Re Capital

ISEG –Lisbon School of Economics and Management University of Lisbon

Gold Tree


ABANCA Corporacion Bancaria

GSE Group (Global, Solutions and Engineering Group)

SMMP – Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Público (Union Association of Public Prosecutors)

ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon

ESRI Portugal – Sistemas e Informação Geográfica, S.A.

ECS – Sociedade de Capital de Risco, S.A.

Round Hill

Cushman & Wakefield

Stone Capital

Avenue/ Aermont/ Perella Weinberg

Signal Capital Partners


Sonae Sierra

Lycée Français

Lisgráfica – Impressão e Artes Gráficas, S.A.

Work highlights

  • Assisted GSE – Global Solutions and Engineering Group with a major logistic platform project for Leroy Merlin.
  • Advised Round Hill Capital on the acquisition of Smart Studios.
  • Assisted ISEG with the negotiation and implementation of the LAB Justiça – Innovation and Culture Programme as part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Raposo Bernardo

Working in close collaboration with the firm’s real estate, projects, and infrastructure teamsRaposo Bernardo’s public law unit assists clients with public tenders, concessions, administrative disputes, and construction projects within PPP frameworks. Manuel Esteves Albuquerque , whose expertise covers public procurement and the negotiation of real estate contracts, heads up the practice.

Practice head(s):

Manuel Esteves Albuquerque


‘The quality of service provided is exceptional. They offer legal services characterised by depth, rigour, clarity, and precision that are unparalleled in the Portuguese market.’

‘Manuel Esteves Albuquerque stands out for his unwavering availability, prompt and effective responses, and innovative and detail-oriented approach to complex legal issues in public tenders and contracts.’

‘All the work is executed flawlessly, with a precise focus on our needs, demonstrating robust technical expertise, and is accompanied by fair and transparent fees.’

‘Manuel Esteves Albuquerque is highly professional, dedicated to obtaining the best possible results, and produces high-quality work.’

‘Raposo Bernardo has one of the best public law teams in the country, covering all public law subdomains.’

‘Manuel Esteves Albuquerque is very experienced, patient and confident in all his advice, which allows us to feel enormous confidence.’

‘Manuel Esteves Albuquerque has a wealth of knowledge in public law and also in real estate law. He is truly an exceptional lawyer.’


TELLES’s public law team, under Pedro Almeida e Sousa’s direction in Porto, specialises in public procurement, serving both public institutions and private sector clients. Rui Mesquita Guimarães regularly advises public entities and tenderers on procurement processes and the fulfilment of public contracts.

Practice head(s):

Pedro Almeida e Sousa

Other key lawyers:

Pedro Matias Pereira; Rui Mesquita Guimarães


‘The readiness to attend to the most urgent requests, which are managed with a great sense of responsibility, is commendable. In the field of public procurement, we have engaged with several specialists who have satisfactorily assisted us in a number of highly specific issues.’

‘The public law department is extremely rigorous in assessing the matters to be dealt with.’

‘The team is highly qualified and is always available to meet our needs, providing excellent service.’

‘Competence, availability, in-depth legal knowledge, interaction with the in-house team.’

Key clients

Estrutura de Missão Recuperar Portugal

Lisboa Ocidental SRU – Sociedade de Reabilitação Urbana, E.M., S.A.

Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, I.P.

Rodoeste, Lda.

Município de Leiria

Município de Vila Real

Inter-Risco, S.A.

Comunidade Intermunicipal do Tâmega e Sousa

Egis Road Operation Portugal, S.A.

Teatro Nacional S. João, E.P.E.

LIPOR – Serviço Intermunicipalizado de Gestão de Resíduos do Grande Porto

AGEAS Portugal – Companhia de Seguros, S.A.

Servilusa – Agências Funerárias, S.A.

Fundação Casa da Música

Serviços Municipalizados de Águas e Saneamento do Município da Maia


Geriavi Portugal, S.A.

Klèpierre Group

Lello Vitória – Livros e Turismo, Lda.

Vougainvest Imobiliária, Lda.

J.D. Biomassa Unipessoal, Lda.

Work highlights

  • Advised Estrutura de Missão Recuperar Portugal on the negotiation, contracting, and implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan and the management of the Portugal 2030 programme.
  • Advised Inter-Risco, S.A. on applying for venture capital funds under a development bank initiative within the Recovery and Resilience Plan.
  • Advised LIPOR on the public procurement process for operating and maintaining an Energy Recovery Plant.