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Garden Leave under Turkish Labor Law

 1.         Introduction The concept of garden leave is not a familiar concept to Turkish labor law as the legislation does not regulate this concept explicitly. The employers however in practice might have the need to make use of this concept for various reasons. Below we first introduce the concept of garden leave in general and then examine this concept under Turkish labor law.
ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law - 28 October 2019

Working Arrangements for Non-Resident Foreign Companies’ Turkey Operations

Working Arrangements for Non-Resident Foreign Companies' Turkey Operations Conducted through Local Individuals Introduction In our globalized world where trade has no borders, it is a usual practice for companies to conduct operations in different countries, including Turkey. Some foreign companies prefer having an establishment in Turkey, such as a local subsidiary company, while conducting their operations in Turkey, whereas some foreign companies prefer to stay as non-resident in Turkey and conduct their operations in Turkey through local individuals. The main reason for companies choosing the latter may be that the works that needs to be performed in Turkey may require only a few individuals, thus having an establishment for such a small business may be considered as a burden for the company.
ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law - 28 October 2019

Mandatory Mediation System In Turkish Employment Disputes Between Employers And Employees

Law No. 7036 Code of Labor Courts (‘Law’) published in the Official Gazette No. 30221 dated October 25, 2017; introduced fundamental changes in the settlement of labor disputes and abrogated the previous law on the subject Law No. 5521. The radical changes implemented with the Law No. 7036 are summarized below.
ADMD/Mavioglu & Alkan Law Office - 28 October 2019

Rightful Termination of Employment Contracts by Employees in Turkish Labor Law

The employees are entitled to terminate their employment contracts, whether the contract is for a definite or indefinite period, before its expiry or without having to observe specified notice periods in case of serious and important reasons determined in the Article 24 of the Labor Law No. 4857 (the “Labor Law”).
ADMD/Mavioglu & Alkan Law Office - 28 October 2019