Firms To Watch: Clinical negligence: claimant

At Shakespeare Martineau LLP, James Anderson ‘is consistently excellent and a great asset to the firm. He is intellectually sharp and shows a high level of client care’.

Clinical negligence: claimant in West Midlands

Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP

The ‘very talentedRankeshwar Batta  heads the department at Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP. Batta is praised for his ‘brilliant tactical nous' and ‘encyclopaedic knowledge of the CPR’. The well-respected team has built up a strong nationwide reputation for its work with claimants who have suffered both modest value and complex multi-million pound cases. Other strengths include advising on associated public law issues including abuse and human rights matters as well as representing people at inquests. Victoria Fullilove works on cases of maximum severity. Newly-promoted partner Ann Houghton, has a broad range of expertise and is also adept at handling cases with a foreign jurisdictional component.

Practice head(s):

Rankeshwar Batta

Other key lawyers:

Victoria Fullilove; David Evison; Ann Houghton


‘Friendly, helpful and well organised. Rankeshwar Batta (Rankey) – hugely experienced, very well prepared and organised, gets excellent results and is a joy to work with. Victoria Fullilove – organised, through and hard working’.

‘They are compassionate, thorough and explain everything perfectly at every step of the way. Full of energy, enthusiasm, determination, very organised and interactive with counsel. One of the leading teams on the scene and a pleasure to work with’.

‘David Evison, Ranke Bhatta and Victoria Fullilove are all excellent file handlers. Strong, honest relationships with counsel. Very determined to get the best result possible on the evidence available’.

‘A good team of solicitors who prioritise client care and are less commercialised than some other firms. The solicitors go the extra mile for their clients and are a friendly and approachable team.’

‘Victoria Fullilove is a caring and compassionate lawyer, whilst also being bright and proactive. Ann Houghton is very methodical and tactically astute. She is a new partner and definitely one to watch’.

‘A brilliant team, led by the charismatic and charming Rankeshwar Batta. A joy to work with and for, they are properly ranked as a top tier firm in the West Midlands.’

‘Rankeshwar Batta is a force of nature, with huge in depth knowledge of the market place, great tactical acumen and wonderful client care skills. He leads the team by example and has created a wonderful collective spirit within the team, helped by the tremendous Victoria Fullilove who is definitely one to watch’.

‘The practice is unique because of the professionalism and understanding of client’s needs. Mr. Batta leads his team in a most professional manner. All take their lead from his high standards and care’.

Work highlights

  • Acted for TH for whom another firm of solicitors had been appointed as Deputy whilst he was under the age of 18. The team was able to support TH to secure a revised assessment of his capacity.
  • Acted for DS and his mother and brother in a matter involving issues over the appointment of a deputy.
  • Having been appointed as Deputy for MM, the team has worked tirelessly and creatively to identify a housing solution to meet the complex care needs of MM.

Irwin Mitchell

The ‘highly professional, outstanding, supportive and caring’ team at Irwin Mitchell is spearheaded by the excellent Luke Daniels . It is praised for its ‘fantastic resources, expert database and case managers’ as well for its ability to ‘achieve fantastic results for its clients’. The team has an abundance of talent with leading names such as Lisa Jordan  and Sara Burns . Emma Rush  and Lindsay Tomlinson  are vastly experienced in all aspects of medical negligence claims. Laura Daly  has considerable expertise in brain injury, oncology and fatal cases. Jenna Harris  has particular strength in adult neurological injuries. Senior associate, Tom Fletcher, is another key member of the team.

Practice head(s):

Luke Daniels

Other key lawyers:

Lisa Jordan; Emma Rush; Sara Burns; Lindsay Tomlinson; Laura Daly; Jenna Harris; Christopher Hurlston; Tom Fletcher


‘Lindsay Tomlinson has supported us with kindness, keeping our son at the forefront and listening to us. They go above and beyond to ensure claimants are listened to, to talk through any worries we may have had and achieve positive outcomes. Lindsay made sure we understood each stage’.

‘Irwin Mitchell are a large, experienced Company and they have been able to devote a great deal of time to our case. It is always possible to contact relevant people and to receive very informative, useful replies in a timely fashion’.

‘Laura Daly -Highly professional. She made the whole drawn out process much less painful. I went through a difficult and painful process but always had this angel that I could count on’.

‘Sara Burns has a natural ability to show empathy and care particularly around sensitive matters. We have always felt reassured and in good hands under the leadership of Sara’.

‘Emma Rush – Words don’t do justice to how good she was. Professional and extremely competent. Her level of empathy with me during a 4 year case following my wife’s life-changing injury, was truly remarkable’. 

‘Emma Rush and Jenna Harris are the outstanding partners. Both get fantastic results, are knowledgeable and take on very difficult cases’.

‘Luke Daniels is head of department. He is highly respected, clever and hard working. Clients love him’.

‘Luke Daniels –  star individual, one of the very top clinical negligence solicitors in the country, extremely experienced and able, great manner with lay clients, fights hard. Christopher Hurlston – associate – very able and competent’.

Work highlights

  • Advised PE following a devastating spinal cord injury. Full admissions received and case progressed to settlement at mediation. Interim payments secured to provide early access to accommodation adaptation, case manager, therapies and aids/equipment. Client also assisted by IM Asset Management team.
  • Recovered £14.5m in damages for SXH who suffered a brain injury due to lack of oxygen at birth.
  • Obtained 1m in damages for the family following the death of CT as a result of a failure to diagnose cervical cancer.

Lanyon Bowdler

The ‘approachable and collaborative individuals’ at Lanyon Bowdler are praised for the ‘time given to the client to offer reassurance and explanations’. Shrewsbury-based Beth Heath leads the 'very professional team' with a 'human touch', with Hereford-based Lucy Small key to the team and commended for her 'outstanding' level of knowledge. The team has a vast array of experience in cases involving catastrophic injuries (including birth, brain and spinal injuries, amputations and fatal claims). Emma Broomfield has wide ranging experience of representing claimants with cerebral palsy, catastrophic brain and spinal injury as well as other injuries. Associate Laura Weir, specialises in a variety of high-value and complex cases.

Practice head(s):

Beth Heath

Other key lawyers:

Lucy Small; Emma Broomfield; Adam Hodson; Laura Weir; Natasha Gibbons


‘Emma Broomfield and her colleagues gave a first class service to me. After my stroke I don’t understand a lot of things but they made sure however long it took to make me understand everything’.

‘Very professional and understanding of the situation great communication. Emma Broomfield was meticulous with the preparation of the case’.

‘This practice is excellent at providing clear and concise information to clients at all times. Adam Hodson, we have found him to be not only professional but extremely warm, kind and very understanding when dealing with sensitive subjects. He has the the ability to put people at ease and to show extreme patience when required’.

‘Lanyon Bowdler are a top quality clinical negligence firm, and head and shoulders above other regional firms in this sector. The team is excellent, and works on cases of all values. Claims are thoroughly investigated, and run with confidence’.

‘Laura Weir and Natasha Gibbons are fantastic, and both have a very bright future. Cases are well prepared and instructions to counsel are clear and detailed. They are collegiate with counsel and supportive of clients. Both are partners of the future’.

‘Beth Heath is the star individual, who as head of department has a fantastic caseload. Emma Broomfield is highly intelligent and gets great results.’

‘Real specialists in their field with a great understanding of the sector and the requirements pertinent to it but within what feels like a more personal and more compact team. They are always keen to put vulnerable clients and their needs first and to ensure that everything possible is done to smooth the process for them.���

‘Lucy Small was very professional. Level of knowledge and honest advice were outstanding’.

Work highlights

  • Secured a £1.1m settlement negotiated at mediation for maternal injury claim notwithstanding initial denial of liability and disputed extent of injury suffered.
  • Secured a £1.3m settlement achieved in complex spinal injury claim despite liability being disputed and defendant valuing claim at only £300,000.
  • Achieved settlement of a stroke case involving highly complex medical evidence from over 20 experts. Liability remained strongly defended and the cause and nature of the injury robustly disputed but compensation of £325,000 was achieved.

Shoosmiths LLP

There is ‘great depth and strength’ in the team at Shoosmiths LLP which ‘undertakes a huge volume of maximum severity work’ with ‘specific expertise in cerebral palsy claims’. Practice head, Phil Barnes, is a known name for his work on a range of catastrophic brain and spinal injuries in addition to amputation and other fatal claims. Kashmir Uppal  has expertise in claims against ‘rogue surgeons’. Nicholas Tubb is also well-regarded. At associate level Natasha Read has a varied caseload of complex clinical negligence matters. Richard Bannister has an established reputation for his work on a broad variety of cases and is also an accredited CEDR mediator.

Practice head(s):

Phil Barnes

Other key lawyers:

Kashmir Uppal; Nicholas Tubb; Natasha Read; Richard Bannister; James Wright


‘Primarily that they are a team and that they are very client focused. They are prompt, attentive and knowledgeable and with all good teams there is a very good leader. I always felt that I was their most important client and they they created an air of confidence and competence in all they did’.

‘James Wright – I cannot praise him enough for his dedication, diligence, knowledge and communication skills. His enduring effort and optimism over the entire duration of the case was outstanding’.

‘Nick Tubb explained everything in a way that I understand, I always found him very easy to talk to, was always there to talk,  always there to explain things found him very caring’.

‘Natasha Read is highly effective and efficient, and also an excellent communicator’.

‘A long-standing and deserved reputation as one of the top midlands firms for clinical negligence and PI’.

‘Nick Tubb is committed, hard-working and driven to get the best possible results for his clients. Not only is his legal knowledge excellent, but his preparation and attention to detail are also outstanding. He combines these qualities with a sympathetic and caring attitude.’

‘Phil Barnes – a very calm and focused leader of the team and a leader in the field of clinical negligence. A true stand out star solicitor.

‘Natasha Read – exceptionally well prepared, very bright and focused. Natasha never misses a point and always gets the very best for clients. Natasha has a very caring way with clients and gives them sensible practical advice‘.

Work highlights

  • In Paul v The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2022] EWCA Civ 12 representing the claimants. A landmark “secondary victim” case listed before seven justices for 3 days before the Supreme Court on 16 to 18 May 2023. The Court is being asked to depart, if need be, from a long and important decision of the House of Lords in Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1992]|
  • Acting in a case which involved a failure to diagnose NMDR encephalitis in a 30 year old mother of a young daughter resulting in a delay in treatment causing significant but subtle cognitive deficits impacting ability to function independently, to work and to care for her daughter.
  • Advising on an inquest into the death of a victim of Ian Paterson.

Harrison Clark Rickerbys

The ‘committed’ team at Harrison Clark Rickerbys is now co-headed by Peter Savage and Ally Taft. Its former practice head, Inez Brown, has left the firm. It is a ‘very good regional clinical negligence specialist’ practice. Taft is particularly experienced in advising on claims relating to surgical errors, birth injury cases and delayed diagnosis cases. The group is also sought after for its work on dental negligence claims.  Associate, Amrit Dhaliwal, plays a pivotal role in the department too.

Practice head(s):

Peter Savage; Ally Taft

Other key lawyers:

Fahmidah Ali; Amrit Dhaliwal; Elizabeth Wickson


‘I would have no hesitation in recommending Harrison Clark Rickerby for claims or any other legal matters. They were interested in the case from the start and listened to what I was trying to achieve’.

‘I dealt with Ally Taft who provided me with detailed information and guidance from the start. I was never left feeling out of the loop and received information in a timely manner’.

‘I have nothing but praise for the way my Clinical Negligence Case was dealt with by this practice. Each of the Solicitors who dealt with my case from start to finish showed understanding, empathy and knowledge’.

‘ Fahmidah Ali called upon very knowledgeable expert witnesses when required to advance my case where necessary’.

‘The team is obviously experienced in dealing with Clinical Negligence claims against NHS Trusts and was able to advise accordingly.’

‘Ally Taft is an excellent solicitor I have worked with over a number of years and she is consistently impressive’.

‘Ally Taft – partner – very experienced, confident in the most complicated of cases, conscientious and fights hard for her clients’.

‘Ally Taft, and Amrit Dhaliwal stand out particularly as solicitors who lead the team by example; they are friendly and yet tenacious in their pursuit of justice’.

Key clients

Mrs S J

DS (by her litigation friend JS)


AC (by her litigation friend SC)

Mrs TS

DB (as executor of the estate of BB, deceased)




GB (on behalf of the estate of JB)

Work highlights

  • Advising on a delay in diagnosis and treatment of meningococcal septicaemia resulting in multiple amputations. The claimant was one year old at the time, and lost both legs below the knees, all of the fingers on one hand, and three of the fingers on the other hand. The team achieved a capitalised settlement of £10.3m.
  • Advising on a delay in diagnosis of a bowel condition, leading to a permanent stoma, stroke and paralysis. The team settled the claim for a 7-figure sum.
  • Advising on a four-year delay in diagnosing kidney cancer. The team managed to secure settlement despite liability being denied.

Higgs LLP

At Higgs LLP, Clare Langford leads this ‘kind and professional team’. Langford is renowned for her skill at handling cases involving a delay in diagnosing meningitis and loss of vision claims. The practice excels in handling cases involving serious birth injuries, cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury. It has been busy too advising on delayed diagnoses cases and fatal accident claims. Charlotte Measures is well-regarded for her work on cases concerning the death of children and those that involve a delayed diagnosis of cancer. Liz Hickman is another key figure. Sarah Huntbach is also highly regarded.


Practice head(s):

Clare Langford

Other key lawyers:

Charlotte Measures; Liz Hickman; Sarah Huntbach; Jenny Tetlow


‘Highly experienced. Can deliver on small to very large cases. Down to earth lawyers who connect with the client easily’.

‘Clare Langford. Leader of the team. Works on some significant cases and top draw. Jenny Tetlow. Rising Star. Bright and enthusiastic. Good external facing. Liz Hickman. Great to work with. Very fair and easy to communicate with’.

‘A well-established firm with long-standing clinical negligence experience. Charlotte Measures is excellent. Knowledgeable, calm and sympathetic with clients’.

FBC Manby Bowdler LLP

Under the leadership of Tim Gray, FBC Manby Bowdler LLP is skilled at handling a broad range of clinical negligence claims. It has achieved particular recognition for its work on investigations into fatal accidents and is known for its representation of two families of men who died following the receipt of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. Susan Todhunter deals with high-value and complex catastrophic claims and has a keen focus on brain injury claims.

Practice head(s):

Tim Gray

Other key lawyers:

Susan Todhunter; Michael Portman-Hann


‘Prompt attention. Friendly, knowledgeable. Mr Portman Hann is always helpful. Interested in their clients’.

‘Michael Portman-Hann has given us such amazing support, he always makes time for us when we have felt or needed to contact him, he has been very clear and always explains everything so that we understand where we are, he is very down to earth and approachable’. 

‘The professionalism and compassion of staff in FBC is top class. Going through a difficult situation the team are always so supportive’.

Work highlights

  • Represented the families of Jack Hurn and Jack Last at Inquest, both of whom died as a result of complications following the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination. It continued to investigate the standard of care provided to both with a view to bringing clinical negligence claims on behalf of their Estates and Dependants.
  • Representing a number of patients who were affected by poor practices and surgical techniques at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust’s Neurosurgery Department.
  • Representing Master W, a minor who suffered significant failures in the management of his mental health.

Thompsons Solicitors LLP

Practice head, Linda Millband, at Thompsons Solicitors LLP is a known name for her work on complex group actions. It is a well-regarded team that is part of a strong national offering. The practice has also been busy in bringing actions against a number of negligent surgeons. In addition, it is currently representing over 200 women in a group action mesh case.

Practice head(s):

Linda Millband


‘Thompsons is the leading trades union firm in the country, with a well-deserved reputation for fighting for the very best outcomes for its clients’.

‘Linda Millband has unrivalled experience in handling serious clinical negligence claims. Media-savvy, she inspires confidence in every tactical decision she makes’.

‘Impressive, well resourced and highly capable team of passionate clinical negligence lawyers. Willing to go the extra mile and take on truly challenging cases that others would pass on’.

‘Linda Millband is top drawer. If I had a claim I would want her to be my solicitor. Driven, but also realistic with what can ultimately be achieved once all stones have been over-turned. Able to run the largest and most complex pieces of individual and group litigation‘.

Work highlights

  • Advising a on case involving a double lower limb amputation.
  • Advising on a case involving a missed diagnosis of breast cancer.
  • Advising on a case involving a delay in diagnosis of a wrist fracture.

Wright Hassall LLP

Jeanette Whyman heads the department at Wright Hassall LLP, which is involved in several group actions against some hospital trusts for poor maternity care. The team has specific experience in obstetric and gynaecological cases. It is also adept at handling cases relating to late and missed diagnosis of cancer claims. In addition, Whyman represents her clients at inquests.

Practice head(s):

Jeanette Whyman

Other key lawyers:

Rachael Flanagan


‘I could not praise Racheal Flanagan and Jeanette Wyman enough for their help in dealing with my medical negligence claim. Both ladies have been so diligent, professional, yet explaining in layman’s language to me where we go and how we move forward’. 

‘Both Racheal Flanagan and Jeanette Wyman are absolutely brilliant – they have both worked so hard with my case and they also have the personal, understanding when speaking and communicating with me. They are “the bees knees”’.


Sydney Mitchell LLP

Mike Stutton heads the personal injury and the clinical negligence offerings at Sydney Mitchell LLP. Sutton advises on all types of clinical negligence cases but is increasingly instructed in cases involving a delay in diagnosis of cancer. David Lydon has left the firm and is now at MFG Solicitors LLP.

Practice head(s):

Mike Sutton


‘Mike Sutton – focussed, able, excellent relations with clients, able to win difficult cases’.

‘A very strong team with a good reputation locally in the field of clinical negligence’.

‘Mike Sutton is an excellent lawyer / Head of Department and ticks all boxes; very experienced, highly knowledgeable, exceptional with clients‘.

Work highlights

  • Advising Client A, an elderly patient, who was admitted to hospital and despite being confused and wandering around during the night, the NHS Trust failed to carry out proper assessments with regard to the risk of falling. This resulted in an unwitnessed fall during the night and Client A suffered a fractured hip. The claim is likely to include significant amounts in relation to future care provision.
  • Advised Client B in relation to a claim relating to a failure to diagnose and treat liver cancer in her late husband.
  • Advised Client C in relation to claim for damages following an admission to hospital in October 2018. She had a background history of Alzheimer’s disease/dementia. Although a past history of falls was noted the falls risk assessment only assessed her as at “medium” risk of falling.

The Wilkes Partnership

The ‘professional and approachable’ team at The Wilkes Partnership is led by Annmarie Wilde . Wilde has a vast array of experience in a broad range of clinical/medical negligence claims. Senior associate, Kate Campbell- Gunn, has particular expertise in cancer misdiagnosis and cosmetic surgery litigation.  

Practice head(s):

Annmarie Wilde

Other key lawyers:

Kate Campbell-Gunn


‘Highly professional company; complex cases dealt with in a timely and sensitive manner’.

‘Kate Campbell Gunn. Incredibly professional and easy to work with solicitor. Great communication skills; very detailed referral letters. Helps clients to feel supported not only through the trauma of index event, but also the stressful nature of litigation’.

‘I have worked with Ann Marie Wilde for many years and I find her approachable, professional and a pleasure to work with on cases, many of which are complex’.

‘Instructions are clear and any additional information required is promptly provided, wherever possible. Ms Wilde is clearly highly skilled and experienced’.

‘Kate Campbell-Gunn is our usual contact at The Wilkes Partnership. She is helpful, professional and committed and communicates well with us and her clients.’

‘Ms. Campbell-Gunn has been instructing me as an expert in clinical negligence claims over a number of years. She is highly effective and efficient and I strongly recommend her’.

‘Collaboration: the approach of the clinical negligence team at the Wilkes Partnership to engage with Hospitals/ GPs/ Trusts to try and narrow issues and push in favour of their clients for a beneficial resolution of matters ahead of proceeding to litigate is second-to-none’.

‘Kate Campbell-Gunn is absolutely fantastic with clients. She is so very empathetic and understanding both of what they have gone through medically and what they are going through from a legal perspective. She knows the right expert and the right counsel for any given case’.

Work highlights

  • Advised on a clinical negligence claim against Ambulance Service for failure to perform adequate CPR and defibrillation leading to a period of hypoxia and brain damage. Likely to settle in excess of £1m
  • Advised on a clinical negligence claim against Hospital Trust and GP who failed to detect claimant’s bowel cancer symptoms. LOCs have been sent off the back of supportive expert evidence and LOR’s are awaited. Likely to settle in excess of £250,000.00.
  • Advised on a CN claim against private hospital for unwarranted hip surgery leading to chronic pain, LOE and psychiatric injuries. Likely to settle in excess of £100,000.00

Waldrons Solicitors

The experienced team at Waldrons Solicitors, covers all areas of clinical negligence law from birth and brain injury cases to delayed diagnosis and surgical error cases. Practice head, Joseph Norton, has a varied caseload including several cases involving maximum severity injuries.

Practice head(s):

Joseph Norton

Other key lawyers:

Adam Smith


‘The people are very professional. Joseph Norton is a great communicator. Mr Joseph Norton was outstanding in his care. He was always polite and took time to understand my problems’.

‘This firm employs a consistently high calibre of legal professionals.’

‘Joseph Norton stands out as an excellent clinical negligence solicitor who has an excellent grasp of the technical medical aspects of claims, and is tenacious in pursuing all avenues to advance the interests of their clients’.

Work highlights

  • Representing Martin Crawley as a ‘Lead Claimant’ in the setting up of a bespoke protocol with the NHS Trust to deal with claims flowing from the alleged negligence of Orthopaedic Shoulder Surgeon, Mr Munawar Shah.
  • Representing its client who developed a pseudomonas infection following the negligent decontamination of a cystoscope. The firm took on several similar cases after a recall of patients was carried out by the NHS Trust.
  • Representing PL (a child) in connection with the development of cerebral palsy. There are allegations of negligence surrounding not only the birth of PL, but also subsequent attempts at resuscitation.