On 31 August 2024, our Partner Ms. Rossana Chu as one of the speakers presented in a forum jointly organised by the Lingnan Impact (岭南影响力),

Alumni of Faculty of Law of Sun Yat-sen University and East & Concord Partners (GBA Offices) in Guangzhou on the theme “Framework for Chinese Enterprises Going International: Taxation” Forum.  Topics covered included “China tax regulatory compliance and practices (中国税务监管下的合规要求及应对实践)”, “Building an efficient tax structure to help Chinese domestic capital and businesses expand overseas (搭建高效的税务架构,助力中国民营资本出海、业务出海)” and “Common investment structures and family offices in Hong Kong (香港常见的投资架构及家族办公室)”.

The topic presented by Rossana was “Common investment structures and family offices in Hong Kong”.  During the talk, she compared the features of private companies, funds and segregated portfolio companies as three common investment structures in Hong Kong. She then introduced the functions of family offices and the Hong Kong tax concession for family-owned investment holding vehicles. This was followed by the “patent box” tax incentive applicable to qualifying profits sourced in and derived from eligible intellectual properties created through research and development (R&D) activities in Hong Kong. Her presentation ended with an introduction of the Hong Kong tax certainty enhancement scheme for onshore disposal gains meeting specified conditions are to be regarded as capital in nature and not chargeable to profits tax.

The other two topics were presented by Ms. Zhang Yun (张云) and Ms. Charming Chen (陈玉鸣), senior consultants of East & Concord Partners (GBA Offices).

The forum was well attended and met with enthusiasm. The three speakers shared their valuable experiences on questions raised and received positive feedback.


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