Tecpetrol S.A. (“Tecpetrol”) successfully completed its offering of U.S.$ 400,000,000 7.625% fixed notes due 2033 (the “Notes”).Tecpetrol is a leading participant in the oil and gas industry, and its activities include the exploration, exploitation and transport of hydrocarbons.

The Notes were issued on January 22, 2025 and were placed in reliance upon Rule 144A and Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. Tecpetrol will use the proceeds from the offering in accordance with the requirements of Article 36 of the Negotiable Obligations Law.

Banco Santander Argentina S.A., Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.U., Macro Securities S.A.U. and Balanz Capital Valores S.A.U. acted as local placement agents (the “Local Placement Agents”).

Tecpetrol S.A.

FINMA S.A.I.F. acted as Argentine counsel to Tecpetrol through Fernando Moreno and Clara Sereday.

Linklaters LLP, acted as New York counsel to Tecpetrol through partner Matthew Poulter, Counsel Emilio Minvielle, Linklaters’ Head of Mexico Group Alberto García Linera and associate Thomas Tiphaine Koffman.

Initial Purchasers and Local Placement Agents

A&O Shearman acted as New York counsel to the Initial Purchasers through partner Alejandro A. Gordano and visiting attorneys Moises Gonzalez and Delfina Meccia.

Bruchou & Funes de Rioja acted as Argentine counsel to the Local Placement Agents through partner Alejandro Perelsztein, and associates Leandro Belusci, Sebastián Pereyra Pagiari, Malena Tarrío and Gonzalo Javier Vilariño.


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