Panama, November 1, 2024.  For its initiative called “IDEA Committee, promoting diversity, inclusion and human rights,” Morgan & Morgan received the highest distinction in the Governance category of the “Sustainable Leadership Recognition 2024”, organized by the American Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Panama (AmCham).

The AmCham Sustainable Leadership Award seeks to promote, encourage, and share inspiring social responsibility projects in the country, align them with international standards such as ISO 26000 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in essence, contribute to a sustainable economic development of Panama.

Alvaro Tomas, partner of Morgan & Morgan, and Camila De Vengoechea, VPA of Sustainability of the firm, received the award and praised AmCham for this distinction regarding good corporate governance practices companies executes.

About the IDEA Committee

The IDEA Committee (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Support, for its initials in Spanish) was launched in 2023 and includes employees of the different companies related to Morgan & Morgan. The Committee oversees inclusion, diversity, and equity issues and supports initiatives that promote a culture which represents our corporate values and purpose, as well as an environment free of violence and discrimination within the different companies that make up our organization.


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