Bär & Karrer Advised the Seller on the Sale of UIKER Antriebstechnik

The Gebrüder Meier Holding AG has acquired the UIKER Antriebstechnik AG, one of the largest technical trading companies in Switzerland, specialized in the production, trade and sale of machine components.

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates assisted an important company in the field of design and execution of electric and gas installations in order to conclude agreements with insolvent companies in Romania

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates assisted an important Romanian company in the field of design and execution of electric and gas installations in order to analyze the risks in regards to concluding agreements with insolvent companies in Romania.

Swiss International Scientific School Dubai (SISD) joins Nord Anglia Education

Niederer Kraft Frey acted as lead counsel to the shareholders in Swiss International Scientific School Dubai (SISD) joining Nord Anglia Education in a landmark transaction in the education sector.

Kohl Automotive Group gerettet – sämtliche Arbeitsplätze bleiben erhalten

Die Übertragung des Geschäftsbetriebs der Kohl Automotive Gruppe, bestehend aus der Kohl Automotive GmbH, der Kohl Automotive Treuenbrietzen GmbH und der Kohl Automotive Eisenach GmbH,

GÖRG berät Franchise Brands beim Erwerb von Pirtek

Unter Federführung der britischen Sozietät Gateley hat ein GÖRG Team unter Führung der Hamburger Partner Dr. Frank Evers und Paul Caesar Rode Franchise Brands plc im Hinblick auf die deutschen Aspekte beim Erwerb von Pirtek Europe für GBP 200 Mio. beraten.

SAS Eurotandem merges with Advaton AG

Niederer Kraft Frey acted as lead counsel to CGS Management AG and Advaton AG, owner of Kalt Maschinenbau AG and Staedler Automation AG on the merger of Advaton AG with the French company SAS Eurotandem.

CASALONGA a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination de Pascaline VINCENT en qualité d’associée.

Avocate depuis 2008, Pascaline VINCENT a rejoint le cabinet CASALONGA en 2011 et a aujourd’hui plus de 15 ans d’expérience dans la propriété intellectuelle, les contrats et l’innovation.

Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd. completes GDR offering and SIX Swiss Exchange listing

Niederer Kraft Frey advised Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd. on its offering of global depositary receipts (GDRs) and SIX Swiss Exchange listing under the China-Switzerland Stock Connect.

Bär & Karrer Advised Wüest Partner on the Expansion of its Group with QualiCasa

Wüest Partner AG, a leading service provider in the real estate industry, acquired 100% of QualiCasa AG’s shares. 

Bär & Karrer Advises Global InterConnection Group in SPAC Transaction

Disruptive Capital Acquisition Company Limited, a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) listed on the Euronext Amsterdam Exchange,