GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB hat den Ufenau Fonds VII, eine Fondsgesellschaft von Ufenau Capital Partners,


Zum 1. Juli 2023 verstärkt sich LUTZ | ABEL im Kartellrecht: Der auf Kartellrecht spezialisierte Dr. Daniel Petzold wechselt von Gleiss Lutz und wird künftig als Partner die Leitung der Kartellrechtspraxis bei LUTZ | ABEL verantworten.

GÖRG berät ZDF Studios bei Gründung einer Kreativ-Company für Factual Entertainment

Die ZDF Studios GmbH hat zusammen mit einem erfahrenen Produzenten-Duo die CONTENT LADEN Gesellschaft für Bewegtbild mbH gegründet.

Homburger advises Migros on the reorganization of its supermarket business

On June 29, 2023, Migros, a cooperative union active in the retail space and Switzerland’s largest employer,

GÖRG Partnerin Caroline Stevens, LL.M. (corp. restruc.) zur vorläufigen Sachwalterin der Wölfen Motoren GmbH bestellt

Die Wölfen Motoren GmbH mit dem Sitz in Osnabrück hat am 29. Juni 2023 einen Antrag auf Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens über ihr Vermögen in Eigenverwaltung beim zuständigen Amtsgericht Osnabrück gestellt.


DSK advised and assisted Mr. Manoj Kumar Agarwal, Resolution Professional of DS Kulkarni Developers Limited (“DSKDL”) with respect to the corporate insolvency resolution process of DSKDL as per the provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates provides legal assistance to a Polish company whose object of activity is selling products online in order to analyze the terms and conditions under the contractual relation with the most popular online store of electronics and home appliances in Romania regarding the reimbursement of vouchers offered due to order cancellations

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates provides legal assistance to a Polish company whose object of activity is selling products online in order to analyze the terms and conditions under the contractual relation with the most popular online store of electronics and appliances in Romania,

Mortgage Interest Rates – what will the recent judgment of Tullamore Circuit Court mean for further rate increases and those struggling with current rates?

A recent ruling of Tullamore Circuit Court in the context of a Personal Insolvency Arrangement is requiring Pepper Finance to apply a fixed interest rate to a mortgage.

Doyle on the Sustainability and the Greening of Irish Real Estate, from a Lawyers Perspective

The real estate industry is no exception as the world becomes increasingly focused on sustainability and reducing carbon emissions.

10 minutes with…Sarah O’Toole

Welcome to “10 minutes with…”, a series where we sit down with BHSM team members to gain insights into their careers and experiences.