The Decision of the Constitutional Court on Overtime Pay and the Right to Property

With the Decision (“Decision”) dated 22.02.2022 and application numbered 2019/1450, published in the Official Gazette dated 05.04.2022 and numbered 31800, in the case of non-payment of overtime pay of an employee, the Turkish Constitutional Court has reached a conclusion according to whether the overtime has been worked in accordance with the legal regulations, that the …

New Era // Digital Markets Act:

What is it and what will happen for Big Tech? The draft of a new Digital Markets Act has been proposed to European Parliament and Council on 15.12.2020. Although it is not yet published in the Official Journal of European Parliament, Parliament and Council negotiators agreed new EU rules to limit the market power of …

Psychological Tests Applied During Recruitment

In the recruitment processes, the use of tests to determine whether employee candidates have the abilities, skills and some behaviors due to the nature of the job has become common in recent years.

The First Permit for the Incorporation of a Digital Participation Bank

The Banking Regulation and Supervision Board (“BDDK”) Decision numbered 10165 and dated 21.04.2022 on permitting the incorporation of a digital participation bank was published in the Official Gazette dated 22.04.2022 and numbered 31817.

The Decision of the Constitutional Court on Shift Tracking with Fingerprint Recording System

With the decision (“Decision”) dated 10.03.2022 and application numbered 2018/11988, published in the Official Gazette dated 19.04.2022 and numbered 31814, in the case of the employee is tracked by using the fingerprint recording system,

Board of Advertisement Decisions on Influencer Marketing

In recent years, with the rapid spread of the use of social media, advertising activities have started to be carried out through social media platforms such as “Instagram”, “Facebook”, “YouTube”.

Labor Claims Subject to Action for Unquantified Debt in the Light of the Right to a Fair Trial

With the Decision (“Decision”) dated 22.02.2022 and application numbered 2019/12190, published in the Official Gazette dated 20.04.2022 and numbered 31815, the Constitutional Court has decided that the right of access to the court has been violated as a result of the procedural rejection of the lawsuit filed by the employee in case the quantified claims …

Guidelines on Cookies Practices in Turkey

Data processing activities carried out through cookies have been shaped in the line with the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) for a while in Turkey.

The Decision of the Personal Data Protection Board Regarding the Cookies

Since there is no particular legislative regulation on the personal data processing through the cookies within the scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”), it brings to mind the question of how this processing activity will be carried out.

Information Note on the Regulation on the Account Books and Records to be Kept by Sports Clubs

New Regulation on the Account Books and Records to be Kept by Sports Clubs (“Regulation”) entered into force by being published in the Official Gazette dated 07.09.2022 and numbered 31946.