Morgan & Morgan Legal advised Minera Panama, S.A., in negotiating a Refreshed Concession Agreement with the Government of Panama for the Cobre Panama Project, the largest private investment in the history of Panama.

Morgan & Morgan Legal acted as lead Panamanian legal counsel to First Quantum Minerals Ltd. (“FQM”) and Minera Panama, S.A. (“MPSA”), a subsidiary of FQM, in all aspects related to the negotiations with the Government of Panama for a refreshed mining concession agreement for the Cobre Panama Project (the “Draft Refreshed Contract”).  On March 8, …

Tetsuya Sogi joins Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

Tetsuya Sogi, a former Superintending Prosecutor, Osaka High Public Prosecutors Office, joined Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu as a special advisor on April 1, 2023.

GÖRG berät Jamestown beim Erwerb des Areal Böhler

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB hat die Jamestown Areal Böhler GmbH & Co. KG beim Ankauf des traditionsreichen Areal Böhler in Meerbuch nahe Düsseldorf und der Übernahme der Standortverwaltung beraten. Verkäufer ist der voestalpine Konzern, der größter

Incentives for Startups – New Innovation Fund’s Register and Copyright deposition as missing links for Tax reliefs

In the Republic of Serbia, there is a number of various incentives for startups, stretching from state aid incentives to private support programs, which represent either a form of financing and subsidization of startups or a form of tax relief with the aim nonetheless to help innovative businesses grow and keeping the economy sustainable. Through …

Capital gains tax and tax exemptions

The latest amendments to the Law on Personal Income Tax, in the part that refers to tax exemptions for tax on capital gains of natural persons, have expanded the scope of exceptions to the taxation of capital gains. However, it does not seem to be done in a coherent and comprehensive way.


After the publication of the draft of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction, a series of public hearings on the proposed draft law was held in February 2023, and now we are waiting for the final wording of the proposal of the amendments and the lawmaker’s response to the …

JWS advises Cuscal on strategic investment in open banking platform, Basiq

Leading independent law firm Johnson Winter Slattery has successfully advised Cuscal Limited (Cuscal) on its strategic investment in Basiq Pty Ltd (Basiq), a leading data and open banking API platform. As part of the transaction, Cuscal has entered into a binding agreement to acquire a material controlling interest in Braavos Corporation Pty Ltd, the parent …

JWS bolsters projects and construction team with appointment of Brisbane partner

Leading independent law firm Johnson Winter Slattery has appointed projects and construction specialist Michael Hogan as a new partner in its Brisbane office.

Berner GmbH setzt Sanierung in Eigenverwaltung fort

Das produzierende Gewerbe in Deutschland wird derzeit erheblich in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Grund sind massive Materialpreis- und Energiekostenerhöhungen aufgrund der mittelbaren Folgen der Corona-Pandemie, gestörten Lieferketten und dem Ukrainekrieg. Als Folge der Wirtschaftskrise sowie der Insolvenz eines bedeutenden Kunden hat sich auch die in Osnabrück ansässige Berner GmbH entschieden, ihren Restrukturierungskurs im Rahmen eines am 23.03.2023 …

Pavel Mărgărit and Associates provided legal assistance to the most recognized farm for production of organic consumer eggs in Romania in the sale to a Romanian investor of a project financed by European funds in the field of agriculture

The Romanian Law Firm Pavel Mărgărit and Associates provided legal assistance to the most well-known farm for the production of organic consumer eggs in Romania in order to conclude a transaction with a Romanian investor, having as object a project financed from European funds in Romania. Legal assistance consisted in reviewing the sale and purchase …