Phoenix Legal Welcomes New Partner

Phoenix Legal is delighted to announce the addition of Aman Avinav to its partnership Aman brings rich and diverse experience spanning over a decade in dispute resolution, particularly commercial & regulatory litigation, arbitration and white collar crime. He represents clients before various courts in India including the Supreme Court, High Courts of New Delhi, Bombay, …

bpv Huegel advises Cloudflight Austria GmbH on the acquisition of mobile agreements GmbH

bpv Huegel supported Cloudflight Austria GmbH, a Deutsche Beteiligungs AG company, in the acquisition of the Upper Austrian mobile agreements GmbH, a successful and leading company with a focus on digital strategy and business model development.

GSK Stockmann berät Pensionskasse bei Verkauf der Zentrale der Wacker Chemie AG in München an Blue Colibri Capital

GSK Stockmann hat die Pensionskasse Wacker Chemie VVaG mit Sitz in München, Eigentümerin des Firmensitzes der Wacker Chemie AG in Neuperlach, beim Verkauf des Gebäudes an die Private Equity Gesellschaft Blue Colibri Capital, Luxemburg, beraten.

Sarthak Advocates & Solicitors accelerates growth with a new office in Mumbai along with a partner induction

Sarthak Advocates & Solicitors has entered the financial capital of the country by opening its office in Mumbai with the joining of Apoorva Chandra as a Partner. An alumnus of NLUJ, Apoorva mainly focuses on General Corporate & Commercial advisory, Private Equity, Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Due Diligences, Commercial Contracts and Real Estate. Apoorva regularly advises …

GSK Stockmann berät Unstoppable Finance bei Serie-A-Finanzierungsrunde

GSK Stockmann hat die in Berlin ansässige Unstoppable Finance GmbH bei ihrer aktuellsten Finanzierungsrunde beraten. Das Krypto-Start-up hat 12,5 Millionen Euro eingeworben und die US-Risikokapitalgesellschaft Lightspeed Venture Partners in den Kreis seiner namhaften Investoren aufgenommen. Bestehende Geldgeber wie Speedinvest und Discovery Ventures sowie der Rockaway Blockchain Fund haben sich ebenfalls an der Finanzierungsrunde beteiligt.

Eversheds Sutherland berät Shell beim Erwerb des deutschen Anbieters von E-Mobilitätlösungen SBRS GmbH

Die internationale Wirtschaftskanzlei Eversheds Sutherland hat Shell Deutschland GmbH beim Abschluss einer Vereinbarung über den Erwerb des deutschen Anbieters von E-Mobilitätlösungen SBRS GmbH von Schaltbau Holding AG beraten.

Han Kun’s 2020 VC/PE Deal Data Analysis Report

June 30, 2021, Han Kun Law Offices issues Han Kun 2020 VC/PE Deal Data Analysis Report (the “Report”).  The online version of the Report is available at the Firm’s website. (Link:


Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanunda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun (“Değişiklik Kanunu”) Teklifi, 28 Haziran 2022 tarihinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’ne sunulmuş, 01 Temmuz 2022 tarihinde kabul edilmiş ve 07 Temmuz 2022 sayılı ve 31889 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanmıştır. Değişiklik Kanunu’nun hükümlerinin büyük bir kısmı 1 Ocak 2023 tarihinde yürürlüğe girecektir.


The Law on the Amendment of the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce (“Amendment Law”) was submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 28 June 2022, adopted on 01 July 2022, and published in the Official Gazette No. 31889 on 07 July 2022. Most of the provisions of the Amendment Law will …

RKD News

R K Dewan & Co. is delighted to share that Dr. Mohan Dewan was invited by the Korea Intellectual Property Association (KINPA) to deliver a bilingual presentation in Korean and English on “The Importance of registration of IPR and the process involved in India” for the members of the KINPA on 9th August, 2022.