Ijdelea & Associates advises on multi-jurisdictional live streaming business transaction

Ijdelea & Associates have successfully assisted Esapiens Tecnologia in connection with the acquisition of a live streaming business. The mandate covered the due diligence process as well as advice on the structuring of the deal and related transaction documents.

Deal Showcase

The Deal: Series A funding in Finbox. Advisor: Samvad Partners Client: Moshpit Technologies Private Limited (Finbox) Deal Date: 24th June 2022 Deal Value: USD 15 million

Information Note on BRSA’s Decision on the Restriction on Commercial Cash Loans Denominated in Try Dated 07.07.2022 and Numbered 10265

The BRSA Decision dated 07.07.2022 and numbered 10265, which contains regulations stretching the implementation of the Decision in order to facilitate the implementation of the Decision and increase its effectiveness for both banks and companies, regarding the Banking Regulation and Supervision Board (“BRSA”) Decision (“Decision”) dated 24.06.2022 and numbered 10250, which was taken based on …

New path for recovery of assets in Cryptocurrency fraud

Investment fraud has become the scourge of the modern world with multiple regulators and other agencies pointing to the inextricable rise of financial fraud, which is now the leading crime in the United Kingdom. Fraudsters are adaptable and agile and quick to recognise a potential vehicle for fraud and therefore cryptocurrency frauds have risen to …

Joanna Bailey head of banking and financial fraud litigation department is Lawyer of the Week in The Times

Joanna Bailey, head of the banking and financial fraud litigation department, has been made Lawyer of the week in The Times newspaper as a result of the landmark case D’Aloia v. (1) Persons Unknown (2) Binance Holdings Limited & Others resulting in the service of court documents as a non-fungible token (“NFT”) through blockchain.

Insolvency & restructuring in The Bahamas – A case study on costs in insolvency proceedings

Recently the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas handed down a comprehensive Ruling on the issue of costs in liquidation proceedings – In the Matter of Rural International Bank Limited – 2013/COM/bnk/0088. This helpful decision clarifies the position relating to the taxation of costs in insolvency proceedings in The Bahamas, the entitlement to …

Our Trusts & Private Client Team is Top Ranked in Chambers’ High Net Worth Guide for 2022

We are delighted that Chambers & Partners, one of the leading industry guides to law firms globally, has ranked our trusts & private client team in the prestigious top tier.

CASALONGA lance le premier Code interactif des textes de la Juridiction unifiée du brevet (JUB)

L’entrée en vigueur prochaine de la JUB va bouleverser la stratégie de protection et de défense de la propriété intellectuelle des entreprises et professionnels en Europe. La JUB sera ainsi compétente pour juger de la contrefaçon et de la validité des brevets européens et des brevets unitaires (brevets européens à effet unitaire).

CASALONGA is launching the first Interactive Code of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) texts

The forthcoming entry into force of the UPC will significantly impact strategies for protecting and defending intellectual property rights in Europe. The UPC will be competent to judge the infringement and validity of European Patents and Unitary Patents (European Patents with Unitary Effect).

Link Legal advised Doncasters Group of Companies in relation to the Indian element of its acquisition of Uni-Pol Group of Companies

Link Legal represented and advised Doncasters Group of Companies (“Doncasters”) in relation to the Indian element of its acquisition of Uni-Pol Group of Companies (“Uni-Pol”).