CBH zieht um: Neue attraktive Büroräume am Rudolfplatz

CBH Rechtsanwalte zieht zum 16. Mai 2022 in das “Haus am Rudolfplatz”. Fast 30 Jahre bot das Buro in der Bismarckstraße der Kanzlei ein Zuhause, doch das starke Wachstum machte eine raumliche Veranderung notig.

Einstweiliger Rechtsschutz im Patentstreit: EuGH beantwortet Vorlagefrage des Lg München I

Der EuGH hat in der Rechtssache C 44/21 entschieden. Ende Dezember 2020 hatte die CBH-Mandantin Phoenix Contact eine einstweilige Verfügung beantragt, die zum Gegenstand eines Vorabentscheidungsersuchens durch das Landgericht München I wurde. Die Entscheidung hat das Potential, den patentrechtlichen Eilrechtschutz in Deutschland neu zu gestalten.


The ECJ has handed down his judgment in case C 44/21. At the end of December 2020, CBH client Phoenix Contact had applied for an interim injunction, which became the subject of a referral by the District Court Munich I. The decision has the potential to reshape the PI situation for patents in Germany.

EOS Capital Partners erwirbt mit CBH die deutsch-luxemburgische Unternehmensgruppe SRG |SERVE Schaltanlagensysteme

EOS Capital Partners verstärkt mit dem Erwerb der deutsch-luxemburgischen Unternehmensgruppe SRG |SERVE Schaltanlagensysteme sein Portfolio im Bereich Smart Bulding Industrial Services. In der neu gegründeten Holdinggesellschaft SRG & SERVE Holding GmbH hält die EOS-Gruppe eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung. CBH hat EOS im Rahmen der Verhandlungen des Kaufvertrags, der Gesellschaftsverträge, der Joint Venture Vereinbarung und der Gesellschafterfinanzierung umfassend beraten. Für …

E+H accepts equalitA seal of approval for the advancement of women

On 13 May 2022, E+H received the equalitA seal of approval from the Federal Ministry for Digitalization and Economic Location. The equalitA seal is awarded to companies for the promotion of women within the company, gender equality within the company, the promotion and visibility of women’s careers, and the support of equality of all genders. …

E+H advises HV Capital on Series B financing round of an Austrian CMS provider

E+H advised one of the lead investors, HV Capital, on the Series B financing round of a Linz company for content management systems (CMS). Together with the second lead investor Mubadala Capital, a total of $47 million was invested in the Series B financing round.

Promotions at PSL Advocates & Solicitors

We are pleased to share that Ms. Jayashree Parihar and Mr. Naman Tandon has been promoted as Counsels and Mr. Devansh Jain as Principal Associate alongwith Mr. Love Kumar Gupta, Mr. Asav Rajan and Ms. Aditi Pundhir as Senior Associates at PSL Advocates & Solicitors – New Delhi office.

Anuwat Ngamprasertkul Speaks on PDPA Compliance Readiness for Full Enforcement on 1 June 2022

On 19 May 2022, Anuwat Ngamprasertkul, Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution as well as Co-Head of Tech-Media-Telecoms (TMT), was invited to speak at a panel discussion on the topic “Check PDPA Compliance Readiness before Full Enforcement”, as the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) will be fully enforced on 1 June 2022.

New Developments in Legal Framework for Tax Relief in Serbia for companies in research and development sector

Serbian Personal Income Tax Law and Serbian Corporate Income Tax Law, as well as the Serbian Law on Mandatory Social Insurance Contributions, prescribe tax and social insurance contributions related reliefs for companies that conduct activities of research and development in the Republic of Serbia.

Phoenix Legal Welcomes New Partner

Phoenix Legal is delighted to announce the addition of Gaurav Dudeja to its partnership