Neue Geschäftsführung: CBH wählt erstmals eine Frau an die Spitze

Am vergangenen Montag hat die Partnerversammlung mit Nadja Siebertz erstmalig eine Frau in die Geschäftsführung der Kanzlei gewählt. Zusammen mit Johannes Ristelhuber wird sie die nächsten 3 Jahre die Kanzlei leiten.

Visionapartments acquires Majestic Hotel in Bucharest

Radu și Asociații SPRL assisted Visionapartments, the leader of the Swiss market of renting out serviced apartments, in relation to the acquisition of Majestic Hotel in Bucharest.

BGH: No guidance on right of withdrawal means realtor not entitled to commission

According to a ruling of the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) – Germany’s Federal Supreme Court – property buyers can potentially reclaim the commission they paid to the real estate agent if the latter fails to inform them about their right of withdrawal and provides no guidance on the issue.

Exchange of financial information with Turkey delayed – Submit a voluntary declaration now

As part of efforts to combat cross-border tax evasion, it appears that Turkey has yet to provide Germany with any financial information. This means that the individuals concerned still have the opportunity to submit a voluntary declaration.

Federal Court of Justice Obliges State of Berlin to Award Gas Concession to NBB

Raue, together with BGH attorney Dr. Peter Rädler, secured a historic victory for GASAG/NBB. On 9 March 2021, the Cartel Panel of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) handed down its decision that the State of Berlin is bound to award the tendered concession for the operation of the gas supply network in Berlin to …

BGH verurteilt Land Berlin zur Vergabe der Gaskonzession an die NBB

Raue hat zusammen mit BGH-Anwalt Dr. Peter Rädler für die GASAG/NBB einen historischen Sieg errungen. Der Kartellsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs hat am 9. März 2021 das Land Berlin verurteilt, das ausgeschriebene Wegenutzungsrecht für den Betrieb des Gasversorgungsnetzes in Berlin an die NBB Netzgesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG, die Netztochter der GASAG, zu vergeben.

EQUITY returned a big sum of money, which was confiscated from a non-resident Client by the SFCA!

EQUITY team proved the legal origin of the Client’s money.

EQUITY is among The TOP-5 leading law firms of Ukraine!

During the year we strengthened our positions and climbed up four steps at once, changing the 9th place to 5th!

EQUITY is in TOP-5 law firms in Ukraine according to Yurydychna Gazeta!

We are happy to have received the recognition from Yurydychna Gazeta in its traditional annual Market Leaders Rating!

EQUITY team successfully protects RwS Bank interests in its dispute with NBU

EQUITY lawyers proved proper fulfillment of legal requirements by the bank in making clients’ transactions that were examined by NBU.