AVELLUM advises Argus Media Ltd on acquisition of Agritel International

AVELLUM acted as the Ukrainian legal counsel to Argus Media Ltd on the acquisition of Agritel International, a subsidiary of Agritel, an expert provider of information, consulting, and forecasting on agricultural and agro-industrial markets.

AVELLUM advises on over USD1.5 billion of Ukraine’s sovereign financings

AVELLUM acted as the Ukrainian legal counsel to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in connection with:

AVELLUM and AGA Partners represented major mining machinery producer in four disputes before ICAC

AVELLUM jointly with AGA Partners successfully represented a major CEE-based mining machinery producer in four disputes with a Hong Kong company before the ICAC at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The disputes arose under four separate contracts for the supply of mining machinery and equipment to Ukraine amounting to a total of almost EUR6 …

OLG München: Golden color not protected as trademark acquired through use

The golden color of a chocolate Easter bunny is not protected as a color mark. The Oberlandesgericht (OLG) München – the Higher Regional Court of Munich – found that the producer in question did not enjoy any trademark rights in relation to the color.

Sayenko Kharenko advises on the USD 333 million Eurobond issue and cash tender offer by Metinvest

Sayenko Kharenko has acted as Ukrainian legal counsel to Deutsche Bank, Natixis, IMI Intesa Sanpaolo, and Raiffeisen Bank International, joint bookrunners of the new USD 333 million Eurobond issue by Metinvest. The notes have a 7-year maturity and bear interest at 7.65 per cent per annum.Sayenko Kharenko has acted as Ukrainian legal counsel to Deutsche Bank, Natixis, IMI Intesa Sanpaolo, and Raiffeisen Bank International, joint …

Sayenko Kharenko advises on the USD 333 million Eurobond issue and cash tender offer by Metinvest

Sayenko Kharenko has acted as Ukrainian legal counsel to Deutsche Bank, Natixis, IMI Intesa Sanpaolo, and Raiffeisen Bank International, joint bookrunners of the new USD 333 million Eurobond issue by Metinvest. The notes have a 7-year maturity and bear interest at 7.65 per cent per annum. Sayenko Kharenko has acted as Ukrainian legal counsel to Deutsche Bank, Natixis, IMI Intesa Sanpaolo, and Raiffeisen Bank International, …

New Land and Building Legislation in 2020

After an extensive legislative process, the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has recently passed the new Land and Building Act (the “Act) comprising 94 Sections and introducing a new system on property taxation. With its announcement in the Royal Gazette, the Act will replace the old and outdated Land and House Tax Act B.E. 2475 (1932).

LCIA online: KIAP lawyers defended a foreign trader at the peak of the pandemic

10 September 2020, Moscow, Russia – In the midst of pandemic, KIAP lawyers defended interests of the foreign trader in arbitration proceedings in LCIA against Polish buyer who refused to pay for the delivered by the Client goods. The whole procedure was conducted online.

The court ruling on the canceled car show came into force

12 August 2020, Moscow, Russia – On August 6, 2020, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court, obliging a large Russian Insurer to pay insurance indemnity in the amount of more than 70 million rubles under the insurance policy of the business risk in favor of the Insured (the …

KIAP lawyers defended the interests of one of the largest importers of professional off-road tires

29 June 2020, Moscow, Russia – The dispute was related to the appeal of the decisions of the customs authority on the classification of goods according to the Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature of the Customs Union (the FEACN of the CU).