Link Legal advised Slintel Inc., in its acquisition by 6Sense, through a 2-step merger process.

Link Legal advised and assisted Slintel Inc., in its acquisition of equity by 6Sense, through a 2-step merger process. In October 2021, a USA based entity Slintel Inc., along with its wholly-owned India subsidiary Slintel India Private Limited (collectively “Slintel”), was acquired by another USA based entity 6Sense (“6Sense”), by way of a two-step merger …

Dürfen Arbeitgeber nach dem Impfstatus fragen? – Nie sollst Du mich befragen…

Die Pandemiesituation hat für die Unternehmen in Deutschland eine Reihe neuer Pflichten und Fürsorgeaufgaben geschaffen. So schreibt die im Januar 2021 in Kraft getretene SARS-CoV-2-Arbeitsschutzverordnung in ihrer aktuellsten Fassung den Unternehmen Maßnahmen zur Kontaktreduzierung im Betrieb, betriebliche Hygienekonzepte, die Pflicht zur Bereitstellung und zum Tragen von Mund-Nase-Schutzmasken und insbesondere die Pflicht des Arbeitgebers vor, denjenigen …

Transaction Summary | Glamyo Technologies Private Limited

DSK Legal represented Glamyo Technologies Private Limited (“Glamyo”) in its investment round lead by Ananta Capital, Udtara Techinvest LLP, COD9 Advisors LLP and other investors (“Investors”) in Glamyo. 

GRAWE Banking Group, advised by E+H, undertakes reorganization

The GRAWE Banking Group, which is wholly owned by Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung (GRAWE), has simplified its structure through two intra-group mergers in order to further increase efficiency in the Group.

Gesetzliche Regelung für den Einsatz von Cookies

Der Einsatz von Cookies und anderen Tracking-Tools stellt Betreiber von Websites vor eine Vielzahl von Herausforderungen. Um den hierbei bestehenden Rechtsunsicherheiten entgegenzutreten, hat der Bundestag im Mai 2021 das Gesetz über den Datenschutz und den Schutz der Privatsphäre in der Telekommunikation und bei Telemedien (kurz: „Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutz-Gesetz – TTDSG“) verabschiedet. Das Gesetz soll dabei insbesondere die datenschutzrechtlichen Regelungen …

Schoenherr advises Joint Lead Managers on issue of EUR 250m covered bank bonds by Kommunalkredit Austria AG

Schoenherr advised the Joint Lead Managers on the successful issue of EUR 250m 0.01 % covered bank bonds due 2028 by Kommunalkredit Austria AG.

Bär & Karrer Advises Allianz Suisse on Reinsurance Solution for Legacy Portfolio of Individual Life Products

The persistent low interest rate environment over the past few years has prompted changes in the life insurance industry. Against this backdrop, Allianz Suisse Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG and the reinsurance company Resolution Re Ltd. have agreed on an innovative reinsurance solution to hedge interest rate commitments. Under the agreement, Resolution Re Ltd. will take over the …

DORDA advised the shareholders of PSPDFKit on EUR 100 million strategic investment from Insight Partners

DORDA’s Digital Industries Group, led by Christian Ritschka (Partner, M&A), advised the Austrian startup on its first strategic growth investment.

DSK Legal appoints 3 Partners and 1 Associate Partner

DSK Legal has promoted Associate Partners Avinash Kumar Khard, Parag Khandhar and Samit Shukla as partners, & Principal Associate Ekta Tyagi to Associate Partner.

INTEGRITES has advised Minfin and Ukrgasbank on EUR 30 mln convertible loan from IFC

INTEGRTIES has advised the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (Minfin) and JSB Ukrgasbank, a state-owned bank, in connection with EUR 30 mln loan agreement and implementation agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The five-year loan for Ukrgasbank comes with an option for IFC to convert the loan into the common shares. The deal is …