KIAP defended the validity of the arbitration clause of the ICA of the ICC in the Russian court

19 June 2020, Moscow, Russia – The Principal of KIAP, Attorneys at Law, who appeared as a contractor, engaged a subcontractor to perform part of the work on the building site. The subcontractor performed the work improperly, so the contract with it was terminated and the subcontractor had to recover of losses to the Principal …

KIAP defended the largest retailer of sporting goods in a dispute with the owner of shopping center

17 June 2020, Moscow, Russia – The Principal of KIAP, Attorneys at Law, a European company specializing in the development, production and retail of sports goods for more than seventy kinds of sports and being represented in most regions of Russia, decided to terminate the lease agreement for premises in a large regional shopping and …

KIAP and ICC Russia conducted a study “The Attitude of Financial Institutions to Arbitration”

24 July 2020, Moscow, Russia – On July 23, 2020, the Russian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce – World Business Organization () presented the results of the  “The Attitude of Financial Institutions to Arbitration (Arbitration Proceedings)” (in Russian language), conducted jointly with KIAP in 2019-2020. The study was aimed to understand attitude …

The court ruling on the canceled car show came into force

12 August 2020, Moscow, Russia – On August 6, 2020, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court, obliging a large Russian Insurer to pay insurance indemnity in the amount of more than 70 million rubles under the insurance policy of the business risk in favor of the Insured …

KIAP defended a large manufacturer from the Republic of Belarus in three court instanstes

13 August 2020, Moscow, Russia – The distributor appealed to the Russian arbitration court with a demand to recover from the Belarusian company the discount on the contract not given to him. The total amount of the claims estimated 100 million rubles.

KIAP lawyers assisted the Client to release the demand guarantees in the amount of 10 mln rubles

14 August 2020, Moscow, Russia – KIAP lawyers represented the Client in a court dispute against a Bank arising out of first demand guarantees. The demand guarantees had been issued by the Bank to the benefit of the Client under the subcontract agreement. The counterparty of the Client did not perform its obligations under the …

Bär & Karrer Advised the Banking Syndicate on the Placement of New Shares of Molecular Partners

Molecular Partners successfully placed 5’528’089 new shares to institutional investors by way of an accelerated book-building process in a private placement. The offer price was set at CHF 14.50 per share. The gross proceeds from the placement amounted to CHF 80.2 million. The proceeds from the capital increase will be used to fund research & …

Bär & Karrer advises Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund on the Sale of Shopping Center 

Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund sold the shopping center Glatt to Swiss Life AG. The Glattzentrum in Wallisellen (ZH) is one of Switzerland’s largest and most popular shopping centers. Bär & Karrer advised the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund on the sale. The Team included Corrado Rampini and Kilian Müller (both Real Estate), as well as Christoph Neeracher and Raphael Annasohn (both M&A).

Commercial Agency Law: COVID-19, Commission & Contract Design

The coronavirus crisis marks the beginning of difficult times for many commercial agents. It also raises a number of legal issues in connection with commission payments, claims for compensatory adjustment, etc.

Real estate funds – Impact of COVID-19

A lot of real estate funds were hit hard by the 2008 financial crisis. Today, many investors are faced with the question of how stable their holdings in real estate funds are given the crisis surrounding the coronavirus.