Bär & Karrer Advises freenet in Connection with the Obligation to Sell its 24,42% Interest in Sunrise Communications Group in the Context of the Tender Offer Launched by Liberty Global

Bär & Karrer Advises freenet in Connection with the Obligation to Sell its 24,42% Interest in Sunrise Communications Group in the Context of the Tender Offer Launched by Liberty Global

IP Law – Protection of intellectual property and intangible assets

Intellectual property is just as worth protecting as tangible assets. IP law covers the protection of rights pertaining to trademarks, designs, patents, copyright, and related rights.

Distribution Law – Legally Sound, Flexible, and Forward-Looking Agreements

The sale of goods and services requires an efficient distribution system that complies with complex domestic and international legal frameworks.

Criminal tax law continues to apply to requests for tax deferral during the coronavirus crisis

Tax evasion is constituted by sharing inaccurate or incomplete information with the authorities. This also holds true during the coronavirus crisis, tax relief notwithstanding.

Advantages of Arbitration

The courts are not the only venue for settling legal disputes. Arbitration proceedings are a good alternative in many domestic and international cases.

Be Prepared for Anything with Detailed Agreements

The coronavirus has made it painfully clear how important it is for agreements to be as detailed as possible and to account for exceptional circumstances in order to avoid legal disputes.

Ship Funds – Damages and Recovery of Distributions

Ship funds have long been considered a safe capital investment. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, many investment companies were forced to file for insolvency and investors lost a lot of the money they had invested.

Hague Convention on the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters

The 2019 Hague Convention is supposed to greatly facilitate the cross-border enforcement of foreign judgments in civil and commercial matters.

Marc Klaas at MTR Rechtsanwälte – One of Germany’s leading M&A lawyers

Marc Klaas at MTR Rechtsanwälte has been featured in this year’s ranking of Germany’s best lawyers in the category of mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

Advantages of Arbitration

The courts are not the only venue for settling legal disputes. Arbitration proceedings are a good alternative in many domestic and international cases.