HEUSSEN mit Vergaberecht wieder unter den Top-Kanzleien

Die WirtschaftsWoche (WiWo) hat wieder die Top-Kanzleien Deutschlands für das Vergaberecht gesucht. Und wie bereits bei den vorangegangenen Auswahlprozessen in den Jahren 2014, 2018 und 2019 gehören die Vergaberechts-Praxis von HEUSSEN sowie Partner Uwe-Carsten Völlink auch in diesem Jahr zu den Besten.

BCLP advises Mubadala Investment Company on investing in Dostavista Group (New Brand – Borzo)

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner (Russia) LLP advised Mubadala Investment Company and its co-investor, a large investment fund, on their USD 21 m venture investment in Dostavista Group.

Ukraine makes headway with land reform

The long-awaited Law of Ukraine “On amendments to the Land Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts to improve the governance of land relations and their deregulation” No. 1423-IX (“Law”) entered into force (save for certain provisions).

AVELLUM advises A-Development on construction of multifunctional real estate complex in Kyiv centre

AVELLUM acted as the legal counsel to A-Development – one of the leading Ukrainian developers – on the construction of a real estate complex in the centre of Kyiv in the form of a joint investment with a business partner.

AVELLUM advises on sale of containerboard plant

AVELLUM acted as legal counsel to investment company Concorde Capital and its partners on the sale of a 72% stake in a containerboard producing company.

AVELLUM advises Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on EUR116 million financing to purchase patrol boats for State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

AVELLUM acted as the Ukrainian legal counsel to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in connection with two loan agreements for a total amount of EUR116 million together constituting official financial support from France to Ukraine aimed at strengthening maritime safety and security of Ukraine.

AVELLUM advises Diligent Capital Partners on acquisition of minority stake in Edinstvo Group

AVELLUM acted as the Ukrainian legal counsel to its long-standing client Diligent Capital Partners (“DCP”), a private equity manager, acting together with the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank FMO (“FMO”), in connection with the acquisition of a minority stake in the leading Ukrainian feed producer Edinstvo Group. As a result of the transaction, Edinstvo Group obtained …

AVELLUM advises on Ukraine’s first notes issue listed on London Stock Exchange

AVELLUM acted as the Ukrainian legal counsel to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in connection with a USD1.25 billion notes issue with an 8-year maturity priced at 6.875% annual yield.

GOLAW attorneys have successfully proven in court the validity of an agreement valued at more than EUR 1,5 million

The Client, a private company and its counterparty have entered into the refundable financial assistance agreement. Under the terms of this agreement, the Client lent another company an amount of more than EUR 1,5  million.

BFH: Tax consultancy costs and clearance costs can be deducted from tax as estate planning costs

If a testator has committed tax evasion, the costs incurred from obtaining tax advice in relation to the supplementary tax return can be deducted from tax as estate planning costs according to a ruling of the Bundesfinanzhof (BFH), Germany’s Federal Fiscal Court (Az.: II R 30/19).