Cyprus and the “new normal”, reasons to invest

As the world is seeking ways to achieve the new normal in their daily lives and business activities, Cyprus is also confidently restarting its economy as the country has been praised as one of the countries to successfully manage the COVID-19 epidemic.

New Kochanski & Partners business strategy and marketing team

Kochański & Partners (K&P) is implementing a new business strategy to rapidly accelerate its penetration of international markets via strategic alliances with key foreign law firms. This strategy involves a reformulation of the business model and closer, comprehensive cooperation with clients. Kochański & Partners also plans to remodel its internal structures and processes, in particular …

Podcast ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Road to the Future’

Our Senior & Managing Partner, Stavros Pavlou, FCIArb gave a podcast interview to LegalMatters, and provided a clear and structured opinion on the steps that Cyprus should follow with regards to Dispute Resolution. He analysed the reasons why he believes that the current Court system of administration of justice in Cyprus is at a dead-end, …

AVELLUM has successfully defended its client in arbitration on jurisdictional ground

AVELLUM successfully represented a Swiss agri-trading company (“Buyer”) in a London-based commodity arbitration initiated by one of major Ukrainian agricultural holdings (“Seller”). The dispute arose based on an Ex Works sale contract and concerned an alleged failure of the Buyer to make a payment.

Teodulo Antonio “Butch” G. San Juan, Jr. joins Gulapa Law as Partner

Manila-based law firm, Gulapa & Lim (Gulapa Law), is delighted to announce that, effective 1 June 2020, Mr. Teodulo Antonio “Butch” G. San Juan, Jr. (University of the Philippines College of Law 1996, LLB, ranked 5th; Philippine Bar 1997, 7th placer) will be joining the firm as Partner.

Bär & Karrer Advises Initial Purchasers in USD 675 Million Notes Offering by Viking

Bär & Karrer advised the initial purchasers in a USD 675 million offering of 13% Senior Secured Notes issued by the Viking Cruise Group. Viking, one of the world’s leading providers of destination-focused travel experiences, is the largest operator of river cruises in Europe, Russia and China, for North American passengers, and offers ocean, lake …

COVID-19 – Bundestag gives green light to multi-billion-euro aid package

On March 25, 2020, Germany’s lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, approved a multi-billion-euro aid package to manage the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis and gave the green light to the supplementary budget.

Kanzlei ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN berät die ImmoRaising AG beim Verkauf eines Ausbildungszentrums e

Die Real Estate Unit von ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN hat die ImmoRaising AG beim Verkauf eines Ausbildungszentrums einer deutschen Behörde an das schwedische Unternehmen Hemsö beraten.

Maximilian Gutsche wechselt von ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN zu Jost Hurler

Dr. Maximilian Gutsche scheidet zum 30. April 2020 als Equity Partner bei der Wirtschaftskanzlei ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN aus und wird neuer Geschäftsführer der Jost Hurler Gruppe in München. Dr. Gutsche bleibt ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN als Of Counsel erhalten.

Bär & Karrer Advised the Founders on the Sale of a Majority Stake in the Group

The founders of the Group entered into a share purchase agreement with Medbase, a subisidiary of Migros, regarding the sale of a majority stake of the Group. The transaction is subject to approval by the Swiss merger control authorities.