Benelux firm AKD appoints partners: Passing the baton to the next generation
AKD Benelux lawyers has appointed five new partners, four of them “home-grown”, managing partner Erwin Rademakers clarifies. “It gives immense pleasure to see colleagues developing and, as next-generation partners, contributing to building the future of our firm.”
Morgan & Morgan´s NGO (Fundamorgan) celebrates its twentieth-anniversary.
The Foundation was established to honor the memory of Eduardo Morgan Alvarez (1902-1988), founder of Morgan & Morgan, a self-taught lawyer by vocation who dedicated his life to the successful exercise of the law, to procure an equal access to justice and to serve his country.
S&P Senior Partner Appointed as TerraLex IPLT Group Leader
TerraLex Inc. is a global network consisting of top law firms and lawyers with over three decades of support for its member law firms operating in different corners of the world. The aim of this organization is to provide trusted and quality legal service that resolves issues of all scopes. Singhania & Partners LLP is …
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IBLJ Names Ravi Singhania in A-List 2020
Ravi Singhania, Managing Partner of Singhania & Partners LLP has been mentioned among the ‘A-List lawyers’ by Indian Business Law journal (IBLJ) 2020. He is amongst the top legal luminaries of India with an expertise in Corporate-M&A, Dispute Resolution, and Arbitration matters. Top ranking bodies like Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, and Asia law Profiles …
Singhania & Partners LLP secures Hat-Trick at ‘Forbes Legal Powerlist 2020
Singhania & Partners LLP is pleased to announce that they have received three mentions in the Forbes Legal Powerlist 2020. The firm has over 20 years of experience and has received notable rankings by several legal directories worldwide. They have a wide ranging clientele including Indian businesses and multinational corporations including Fortune 500 companies.
The deputy head of the Supervision and Enforcement Department-I of the Turkish Competition Authority joins ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law.
ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law is proud to announce that Ms. Ebru İnce has joined its competition law team of 48 specialized competition lawyers as Counsel.
BGH changes tune on trademark forfeiture
In a judgment from January 14, 2021, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) – Germany’s Federal Supreme Court – overruled its own legal precedent on the forfeiture of trademarks (Az.: I ZR 40/20) in finding that failure to make use of a trademark means forfeiting trademark protection.
Bundeskartellamt issues fines in response to illegal price fixing
The Bundeskartellamt – Germany’s Federal Cartel Office – has imposed fines totaling around 6 million euros on two foundries for entering into anticompetitive agreements regarding prices and discounts.
Tanner De Witt further grows commercial disputes practice with appointment of consultant Richard Wilmot
Tanner De Witt confirms with great pleasure the appointment of commercial litigation lawyer Richard Wilmot as Consultant to the firm’s Dispute Resolution practice. The appointment is effective today.
SyCipLaw Announces New Corporate Services Department Head
SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan (SyCipLaw) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Imelda A. Manguiat, a senior partner of the firm, as the new head of its Corporate Services (CS) Department, effective on June 1, 2021.