The aftermath of COVID-19 outbreak – Practicing social distancing during AGMS of listed companies

Introduction As the negative consequences of COVID-19 continue to expand, companies are facing various demanding challenges, one of them being related to the organisation of the Annual General Meetings of the Shareholders (“AGMS”).

COVID-19: Real Estate market implications. Particular insights into Lease Agreements

1. Introductory aspects Since its outbreak in November, 2019 in China, COVID-19 has rapidly spread across Europe, the general opinion being that the peak is yet to come. The aggressive rate of spreading of COVID-19 has marked the financial markets, which now indicate a decrease of the earnings expectations.

State aid amid COVID-19 outbreak

PNSA COVID-19 Legal Response Team

COVID-19: Arbitration – Where to?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the globe and virtually all sectors have had to adapt to an increasingly contact-free environment. The world of arbitration is no exception, and in the past weeks we have seen a series of adjustments and solutions targeted at both safeguarding the health of participants and preserving the continuity of the …

Coronavirus & competition. Breach of Competition Law? “Price gouging” or not?

First one: Coronavirus & competition – any potential link?

LG Berlin: Reference must be made to GmbH’s legal form

A company’s legal form as a GmbH is a key piece of information for consumers. Withholding information from advertisements about its legal form constitutes an antitrust violation according to a ruling of the LG Berlin.

Valeriya Kachura is a new partner at LP Law Firm.

LP Law Firm is pleased to announce the promotion of counsel Valeriya Kachura to a partner of the Bureau as of March 2, 2020.

Illegal price rigging – Bundeskartellamt imposes fines totaling 154.6 million euros

Germany’s Federal Cartel Office, the Bundeskartellamt, has imposed fines totaling around 154.6 million euros on seven pesticide wholesalers for entering into illegal, anticompetitive price-fixing arrangements.

azur100 Ranking: Raue zählt zu den Top-Arbeitgebern für Juristen

Raue gehört nach dem jüngst veröffentlichten azur100 Ranking zu den TOP-Arbeitergebern für Juristen in Deutschland und konnte seine Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber auf Platz 42 steigern.

Raue wählt Friedhelm Unverdorben zum Partner und aktualisiert Karrieremodell

Mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar hat Raue Friedhelm Unverdorben zum Partner gewählt. Ebenfalls zum Jahreswechsel werden sieben Senior Associates in die neu geschaffene Position des Counsels befördert. Vier Associates werden zu Senior Associates ernannt.