Attorney Gwang Hyun Baek gives a video lecture on “Major Terms of the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising and Understanding Example Cases”

Attorney Baek gave a video lecture on “Major Terms of the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising and Understanding Example Cases” for the officers and employees of Public Home Shopping at the Legal Edu Studio located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on December 2, 2020.

Tanner De Witt boosts technology practice with appointment of consultant Nigel Stamp

Tanner De Witt announces with great pleasure the appointment of technology law veteran Nigel Stamp as Foreign Legal Consultant. The appointment was effective Monday 25 January 2021.Nigel’s addition to the firm is part of Tanner De Witt’s committed focus on the fast-growing areas of technology and privacy law in Hong Kong and the surrounding region, following Padraig Walsh’s …

Sayenko Kharenko has advised on USD 600 million Eurobond tap issue by Ukraine

Sayenko Kharenko has acted as Ukrainian legal counsel to BNP Paribas and Goldman Sachs International, the joint lead managers of the USD 600 million Eurobond tap issue by Ukraine.Sayenko Kharenko has acted as Ukrainian legal counsel to BNP Paribas and Goldman Sachs International, the joint lead managers of the USD 600 million Eurobond tap issue …

Sayenko Kharenko advises Green for Growth Fund on EUR 5 million financing to Bank Lviv

Sayenko Kharenko has acted as Ukrainian legal counsel to the Green for Growth Fund (GGF) on providing a loan of EUR 5 million equivalent in Ukrainian hryvnia to Bank Lviv. The bank will on-lend funds to its business clients, primarily from the agricultural and agri-processing sectors, for the implementation of energy-effective projects.Sayenko Kharenko has acted as Ukrainian legal …

AVELLUM closes 2020 with 3 more successful Eurobond deals

AVELLUM advised on all largest private and sovereign Eurobond issuances and liability management transactions out of Ukraine in 2020. Despite the global turbulence during the year, we are proud to close 2020 with the following successful Eurobond offerings and liability management transactions:

Azmi & Associates Partners’ Appointment

Dear valued clients, business associates and friends, Azmi & Associates is pleased to announce that two (2) of our Partners, Zuhaidi Shahari has been appointed as a member of the Audit Committee of InvestKL whilst Philip Teoh has been appointed as a member of the Expert Panel Committee by the Malaysia Competition Commission (“MyCC”).

Raue wählt Dr. Felix Stang zum Equity-Partner

Mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar 2021 hat Raue Dr. Felix Stang in die Partnerschaft aufgenommen. Ebenfalls zum Jahreswechsel werden Anna von Bremen und Dr. Anna-Sophie Hollenders zu Associate Partnerinnen sowie vier Senior Associates zu Counseln ernannt. Zwei Associates werden zu Senior Associates befördert.

PLMJ creates team to deal with ‘Legal Finance’ services

In the current economic circumstances of an increase in cases (and risks) of breaches of contract and violation of rights, and in the resulting litigation, companies have to be increasingly creative in allocating resources. To assist them, PLMJ has set up a team specialising in the area of Legal Finance.

MELCHERS ernennt neuen Equity Partner

MELCHERS hat Dominik Gallini mit Wirkung zum Januar 2021 zum Equity Partner ernannt.

Aspect Energy and SigmaBleyzer sign a Production Sharing Agreement with the State of Ukraine

Redcliffe Partners advised US investors Aspect Energy and SigmaBleyzer (acting jointly through a special-purpose vehicle, Ukrainian Energy, L.L.C.) in connection with the 18-month negotiation and successful signing of a Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with the State of Ukraine. These are the first US investors to invest via PSA since the exit of Chevron from Ukraine …