OLG Stuttgart affirms protection of collective trademarks featuring designations of origin

While it is not possible to completely shut out other market participants from indications of origin, a trademark’s reputation must not be unduly exploited according to the Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Stuttgart, the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart.

Bär & Karrer Advised the Canton of Geneva on Green Bond Issuance

On 28 November 2019 the Canton of Geneva issued green bonds listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in an aggregate amount of CHF 660 million. The issuance was made according to the Green Bond Principles published by the International Capital Market Association, and divided into three respective tranches of CHF 175 million with a maturity …

Bär & Karrer Advised Jacobs Holding on the Placement of Barry Callebaut Shares

Jacobs Holding AG successfully placed 550,000 shares (approx. 10%) in Barry Callebaut AG by way of an accelerated bookbuilding process and a simultaneous private placement. Jacobs Holding thus diversified its portfolio while remaining Barry Callebaut's reference shareholder with a stake of approximately 40%. Jacobs Holding is an investment company founded by entrepreneur Klaus J. Jacobs. …

LG Essen: Unlawful advertising statements promoting e-cigarettes

Liquids for e-cigarettes must not be promoted using the slogan “Genuss ohne Reue” (enjoyment without regrets). That was the verdict of the Landgericht (LG) Essen, the Regional Court of Essen, in a ruling from October 25, 2019 (Az.: 41 O 13/19).

AVELLUM advised Metinvest on dual-currency Eurobond issue and tender offer

AVELLUM acted as the Ukrainian legal counsel to Metinvest B.V. on:

AVELLUM advises MHP on USD350 million Eurobond issue

AVELLUM acted as the Ukrainian legal counsel to MHP Lux S.A. (“MHP”) on USD350 million offering of 6.250% notes due 2029 (“Notes”). The transaction was structured as an offering of the Notes guaranteed on a senior basis by MHP SE and certain of its Ukrainian and Cypriot subsidiaries.

ETERNA LAW team of lawyers defended the interests of the large taxpayer – PJSC “Stevedoring Company”

ETERNA LAW team of lawyers defended the interests of the large taxpayer – PJSC “Stevedoring Company” AVLITA” in a complex tax dispute in which the court investigated the tax liability accrued to the payer since the temporary occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.


ETERNA LAW announced appointment of Oleh Beketov, partner, head of International Litigation Department, as firm’s Senior Partner.Oleh Beketov joined the firm in 2009.

Bär & Karrer Advised Xonnel on the Sale of Küchler

Xonnel AG sold its timber trading business “Küchler” to Woodpecker Holding AG, a group of leading timber trading companies in Switzerland. Küchler is a heritage brand in the timber trading sector since 1832.