Webinar of VEGAS LEX and Pravo.ru: anticompetitive agreements and practice of their revealing

The attorneys of VEGAS LEX Commercial group together with Pravo.ru held a webinar regarding the problems of revealing and proving various types of anticompetitive agreements.

Bär & Karrer Advises the Sellers of AWK Group

The owners of AWK Group AG sold the company to Deutsche Private Equity GmbH, an independent German investment company. AWK Group is one of the largest independent Swiss consulting firms for information technology and digitalization.

OTP Bank Buys Vojvođanska Banka

Hungary's OTP Bank bought Vojvođanska Banka, as well as NGB Leasing and the National Bank of Greece's corporate loan portfolio in Serbia. This is one of the biggest recent banking transactions in the region and it was closed on Friday, the 1st of December in Belgrade. Karanović & Nikolić advised the buyer – OTP Bank, one of the leading …

The basic initiatives of FAS Russia were discussed at a meeting of the RSPP Committee

On 29 November 2017, a meeting of the RSPP Committee for promotion of competition, involving the representatives of FAS Russia and VEGAS LEX, was held in order to discuss the antimonopoly service’s initiatives in the area of IT, protection of competition, procurements, administrative and criminal law and tariff regulation.

VEGAS LEX discusses the specifics and prospects of conclusion of “non-competition agreements”

On 28 November 2017, the VEGAS LEX law firm held a breakfast meeting, at which the mechanisms and prospects of the “non-competition” agreements, which ensure preserving of a status quo upon withdrawal of partners from business and which are focused on the companies’ protection against “leakage” of trade secrets (know-how), disclosure of confidential information and …

VEGAS LEX discusses SICs at the fourteenth joint meeting of the Russian-Japanese and Japanese-Russia

Maxim Grigoryev, VEGAS LEX Partner and Head of special projects, spoke at the fourteenth joint meeting of the Russian-Japanese and Japanese-Russian committees for economic cooperation on the topic of efficient use of special investment contracts (SICs) for the creation and development of production in Russia.

SyCipLaw is largest Philippine firm in 2017 ALB survey

In its November 2017 cover story on the 2017 Asia Top 50, ALB lists SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan as the largest law firm in the Philippines. ALB’s Asia Top 50 is an annual list of Asia’s largest law firms by headcount.

Karanović & Nikolić Hosts The Empowering Students To Enter The Workplace Conference

Karanović & Nikolić hosted the "Empowering Students to Enter the Workplace" HR conference, held on the 30th of November in Belgrade, Serbia. The event was organised in cooperation with Stanton Chase, one of the top 10 global retained executive search firms, and the guests and panellists included leading professionals in the field of human resources, as well as …

[KIM & CHANG] Top Tier in All Six Areas Surveyed – IFLR 1000

Kim & Chang has consolidated its position as the leading law firm in Korea ranking “Tier 1” across all six practice areas in the 2018 edition of IFLR1000 Financial & Corporate.  We are the only Korean firm to receive top tier rankings in all categories for 14 consecutive years.  In addition, IFLR named nine Kim …

[KIM & CHANG] Only Korean Firm Among the World’s Top 100 Law Firms- The American Lawyer’s Global 1

For the fourth year in a row, Kim & Chang is the only ranked law firm in Korea among the world’s largest law firms in the American Lawyer's “The Global 100" report.