Understanding the New Competition Law in the UAE
Introduction: The UAE has introduced a new competition law and abrogated the old competition law, federal law No. 4 of 2012. The new federal decree law No. 36 of 2023 on the regulation of competition sets forth competition practices and measures against commercial monopolies. By introducing new rules and regulations, as well as penalties that …
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The 2025 E-Invoicing Rollout in the UAE
The UAE government has taken steps to move towards a fully digitized tax system by adopting E-Invoices. The E-invoicing process will be mandatory for all business to business (B2B) and business to government (B2G) transactions, regardless of the VAT registration status of the entities involved. E-Invoicing E-invoice means an electronic invoice that is generated in …
Cheque Bounce in 2025
Cheque In simple words, a cheque is an order to a bank to pay a particular sum of money from the account of the issuer of the cheque, written on a specifically printed form. The issuer of the cheque is called the drawer, while the person to whom the cheque is issued is the bearer. …
New Regulations on Driving License and Vehicle Registration
Obtaining a driver’s license is a rite of passage for every individual. It is a symbol of coming of age for teenagers and young adults, as well as the first significant step that one takes after moving to a new country. The driver’s license issued by the UAE government allows an individual to drive in …
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The advent and rise of cryptocurrency have been a disruptor to the traditional currency system. Even outside the virtual aspect of the currency, the concept is novel due to its accessibility and the level of anonymity available to its users and the swiftness with which a large amount of money can be transferred to any …
Preventive Settlement and Restructuring Procedures Under the UAE Bankruptcy Laws
Running a business involves taking risks in order to continue to scale new grounds. Sometimes, these risks may not be successful, leading to debts. Even without risks, debts may be incurred as a result of not being able to generate profits due to the changing market trends. Thus, loss in business and falling into debts …
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Breaking The Cycle: New Domestic Violence Law Paves Way for Safer Communities
The UAE government recently abrogated Federal Decree-Law No. 10/2019 and replaced it with Federal Decree-Law No. 13/2024 On the Protection from Domestic Violence (“Law”). The new Law is being hailed for its stricter punishments towards offenders and the inclusion of psychological, sexual, and economic violence within its ambit. The Law also establishes provisions for the …
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Can Parents Monitor Their Children’s Phone?
In today’s world, social media is being seen less and less favorably by experts and intellectuals around the world. It has found to have physical, emotional and psychological implications on its users. We are periodically hit with news articles about people meeting with accidents due to the usage of mobile phones, or children developing long …
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Children in Public Transport
Affordable and safe public transport is an important requirement for the smooth functioning of daily life in any country.
Fresh Amendments to Law On Financial Audit Authority: Offending Employees Now Face Travel Ban and Asset Seizure
The Emirate of Dubai has recently passed new amendments to the existing “Dubai Law No. 4/2018 on the Establishment of the Financial Audit Authority” (“LAW”).