Unlocking the Possibility of Contingent Risk Insurance in M&A Contracts
Introduction: Why is Contingent Risk Insurance Needed? The use of representations and warranties insurance (so called “R&W insurance”) in M&A transactions has been increasing.
Key points to consider when selling and purchasing the shares of a Japanese corporation through an IPO given the recent reforms to the Japanese IPO framework
Introduction The Tokyo Stock Exchange (“TSE”) is arguably one of the most attractive stock exchanges for listed stock in the world.
Taxation of Sponsorship Agreements with Professional Athletes
1. Introduction There are a variety of corporate marketing strategies that a company may follow, one of which is to conclude a sponsorship agreement with an athlete in order to improve the recognition and image of its brand and products.
Recent Court Decision on (i) Scope of Medicinal Use Invention and (ii) Patent Linkage
1. Introduction In the field of pharmaceutical patents, a system known as “patent linkage” is introduced in numerous countries, and Japan is no exception.
Amendments to the Tender Offer Regulations
I. Introduction The tender offer regulations in Japan were introduced in 1971, and have not been the subject of significant amendment since 2006.
Legal Issues Related to Branded Residences with Some Recent Updates on Relevant Laws
I.Introduction Recently, in domestic and international real estate development projects targeting wealthy individuals,
Amendments to the Large Shareholding Reporting System
I. Introduction The large shareholding reporting system in Japan (the “Large Shareholding Reporting System”) was introduced in 1990, and has not been the subject of significant amendment since 2006.
IP Licensing and Insolvency – Recent Developments in the Protection of Licensees and Remaining Issues under Japanese Law
I. �� Introduction For a licensee, the sudden termination of an IP license agreement, whether in whole or in part, can be tantamount to a withdrawal from the licensee’s business.
Passage of the Hydrogen Society Promotion Act and the CCS Business Act
Introduction May 24, 2024 saw the promulgation of the “Act on Promotion of Supply and Use of Low-Carbon Hydrogen, etc.,
Publication of Government Committee Report for Rebuilding the Generic Drug Industry in Japan
I. Introduction On May 22, 2024, a report (the “Report”) was published summarizing the discussions by the Review Committee on the Industrial Structure for the Realization of a Stable Supply of Generic Drugs at the Ministry of Health,