Macedonian Hospital Fire

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Gabriele Giambrone, Italian avvocati, Spanish abogado and called to the bar of England and Wales and managing partner of Giambrone & Partners LLP,  was interviewed by Macedonian media outlet Nistori regarding the legal matter involving an application for compensation by two Macedonian citizens residing in Italy as a result of the tragic  the death of family members and the severe injury to another. They were victims of a fatal fire in a temporary  COVID hospital in Tetovo.

Gabriele Giambrone highlighted issues relating to the jurisdiction in which the claim could be made and drew attention to the limited value on human life that the Macedonian local authorities indicated. The standards appear to be incompatible with European standards.

Watch the entire interview here:

Giambrone & Partners LLP, international law firm, is assisting the family of three Macedonian victims, two of whom lost their lives and one who was severely injured in a fire in a temporary hospital in Tetovo, Macedonia, built to manage the COVID emergency in the country and care for patients that tested positive for the virus.

It has been alleged that the hospital structure, unsuitable to accommodate the many patients present, was completely destroyed due to a sudden fire whose causes still remain unclear given the reluctance of the Macedonian government to issue statements and set up a commission of inquiry to investigate the causes of the disaster.

Our lawyers have learned that, to date, compensation of just € 30,000 has been offered to the family of the victims, which is considered an insult by the surviving relatives and an affront to the dignity of these people.

Our lawyers issued an application at court for mediation  against the Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, the Health Ministery and the Ministry of Justice all of whom refused to respond.  As the family were resident in Italy the matter can be heard in the Italian jurisdiction before an impartial judge, giving the family the hope that a fair decision can be achieved.

The Macedonian government has been asking the European Union to admit Macedonia but fails to guarantee its citizens the same standards of justice and fairness found within the European Community.

Giambrone & Partners will apply for an appropriate and fair level of compensation that adequately reflexes the disaster that befell the family.

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